We just started one, a couple of months ago, called off the record. Too many names. We can stop this madness right now!They -- I am not for Russia or Putin.But I am for this insanity, to stop!I don't know, other than, what I have told you long ago, would happen. And all of the Republicans have all said, this is out of control. The time to act now, against Iran is almost at zero.Okay? For these reasons, I will oppose your nomination. But I also don't think World War III will end well. Steve Deace calls it like it is and stands tall when others are afraid. They fought for 11 or 12 rounds, Beck says, and Louis was the favorite. It's the MyPillow 2.0. You just told me now under oath, that you stood by that. We'll give up the areas we've taken over.Such a thing would lead to a domestic explosion, and Russia would find itself in a Civil War.Russia cannot lose under any circumstance, since a single step backward, would lead to a thousand steps backwards.Russia will fight to the end, because we simply cannot stop. They would still be saying.We don't know. It's accuracy cannot be guaranteeing. But to get your -- you would have paid for a meet and greet. Vladimir Putin announced on the 21st, that they were suspending the participation and the new start. That was the latest story. But I feel time is running short. Now, think. Okay?This is like, you know, you'll have to meet the archivist, just to get that paper. And say, the hell I will.I am not sending my child, to war.And I want you to stop sending my money, to Ukraine.Oh, well, then we'll just empower Putin.You know what, Putin is really smart.Really smart. In this clip, Glenn demonstrates how signs TODAY show we are following the same pattern that eventually resulted in World War I. This is coming from Relief Factor. They take care of those families.But they also are teaching our -- our elementary school kids and our high school kids and probably many more, what 9/11 really was, discovering heroes. Glenn is back on TV! Well, unfortunately, we're now starting to consider that that could be a weapon. They decided to look into her. If that's what makes you happy.This exchange made me very happy.VOICE: Dr. Shogan, when you were here last year, a number of senators asked you, including me, a series of questions about an article you had written, public statements that you had made on social media, that were pretty grossly partisan, and I thought offensive. So the reason why he -- they're now coming out and saying, yeah. No one will be ready to rebuild this huge country. In this clip, Glenn explains why. So we're sending, what?Money for food shortages, all around the world? You know it, and I know it.Because this antiracist nonsense states that. While their local retail competition was driven into bankruptcy.Trump supporters were forced to attend the funerals of their loved ones on Zoom. And then at the end, what did they do?The same people who started the war, got together and said within now we're going to punish Germany. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. 15 days ago Yes, We're in a Cold War with China: The Playbook to Take Down the US EXPOSED | Ep 252. . Use the promo code Glenn and save.But all our hosts do this from time to time. They're going after natural gas.So do you want to get rid of natural gas, as well as oil?Because I don't. That's fair. There is a nuclear complex. I do.STU: No. They said, London will turn to dust. All of this stuff.I'm having the best year of my career.And that is saying something. But it gets worse. They found that this teacher, on the day when the school asked pupils and teachers to wear blue in support of two police officers who were shot and killed, the teacher instead wore a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.Gee, let's trace it back again. But actively encouraged the fifth graders to try being gay. King. However, there are now four countries, all aligned against America and against the West. Germans said, it wasn't Russia. So was it England that did it?And we didn't know anything about it?Who did it?Who did it?And why would you do it?This -- these questions have got to be answered right now!We are marching toward war! King. GLENN: I got to talk to this man, before the end of the week, I have to do it. Is that both sides have arguments that you can see from their perspective. And knowing, oh, boy. So whatever topic is on your mind. Okay?Now, I want to give you just a little thing on just to urge you to understand what we may be facing. Loved him since back in the day.GLENN: I believe he's been on the show.STU: You know, we met him once when he was in New York. So at what point does Biden fold on that?GLENN: Well, I don't know.Because during this -- during this global security conference in Munich, the Chinese are talking now about giving weapons and ammunition to Russia.And the United States came out, over the weekend, and said, they better not do that.Excuse me?You better not do that. And why are they overwhelmed?Because there's not enough qualified police. He sees the West as a partner who behaves very aggressively for whatever reason. And it turns out, that some things that got invented now, can make your sleep even better.It's temperature-regulating thread.Mike Lindell found out about it, and he immediately had to have it in his pillows. Your kids are going to get lost, to riots in the streets, and everything else.And the collapse of the US government happens, and that's the final straw. Tonight, on the Wednesday night special, I'm talking to real lions on both sides.I have invited Jerry Boykin. You responded, as follows. Weird Al has been doing a concert tour over the past few years. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Hopefully, this debate will be strong enough, that maybe even I would change my mind. It's like regular people for me. Well, not gulags. I praised God, that God sent them in here because I think the devil meant this for evil.Then he said, but you are messing with the wrong guy. I can't remember.GLENN: Okay. You just lied to me a second ago under oath. You know, if there was like a -- I don't know. And he looks up, and he does -- he looks at me for like half a second.And then he goes right to Tania, like, come on over here, and sit on B.B. Get the buy one, get one free offer. It's amazing. The Best Conservative Podcasts - TheBlaze Where I have seen my country so detached from the people in the country.And they are just leading us into places none of us want to go.Did you want an oil crisis?Or did you want to remain, you know, the biggest producer of oil, and have our gas prices low?Were you for that? But you're not like that.I mean, I know you've had instances where --GLENN: Yeah. Weird Al is a legend. Assault, 47 percent.Robbery, they catch you about 27 percent of the time.Burglaries, theft, and arsons. It's called the open source intelligence monitor. And now, murder rate is up. (music)Okay. Come to France, where we have lots of wine but zero spine. But usually, that's the way it plays out.GLENN: Right. But thinks it's winning. Mental health issues are another consequence of long-term fear.Given the rise in mental health conditions, and the way we engage in political discussions in the US, it might be fair to say, we aren't dealing with our fears, particularly well.And listen to this: And need to find ways to cut off sources, that feed them, for political gain or profit.What -- what does that mean, exactly? And -- and B.B. Is now banning pro-life doctors.So, again, this is like banning your free speech. Too Many Seniors Ignore This Condition 2,267 Urologist: Most Men With An Enlarged Prostate Do Not Know About This Simple Solution 511 114,041 If Governor Ron DeSantis ran against Biden in 2024, who would you vote for? And then there was male/female. And I'm sorry to do this to you. Now, let's talk about your Twitter post.On February 18th, 2022, you posted bemoaning the fact that mask requirements for children, under the age of five, one of whom I happen to have by the way, has been dropped. Let me just start with this.Because you'll understand how good it feels.Let's go to cut eight, with Senator Hawley, talking to the person that is going to be the -- our national archivist. Because it's racist.How dare you. I would do it again.GLENN: Play the accordion, Al! You can see these symptoms come out. We're telling China, that, you know, we're going to hold you to a different standard.Meanwhile, Putin's cronies are threatening to nuke England. Okay.So we're doing that. I have never seen a witness stonewall like this before. As I just mentioned, I have met him before.GLENN: I know. And you know it, or our children would not be dying from fentanyl overdoses at the rate they are.The border is not secure. That are on the FBI's most wanted list for terrorism.We haven't even begun to pay for the open border through terrorism. And we're going to make them pay.And we want all the land, that they the claim is theirs.And we're going to take it. I don't want anybody to freak out. He has a list. CONTRIBUTOR AUDIENCE CHOICE: Here are 14 'manly films' that YOU recommended! Radio - Blaze Media - TheBlaze Radio Network So they'll come for the Christians. Let's not think too long on that. And we're working hard on coming up with some new things. DRAFT for Ukraineor does he? Or Congress?When? More is always better. I love B.B. That's not too sexist, right? I don't know. Yeah. She hates B.B. Are we solving that? I asked you, would you give all public posts, that you had made on Twitter. We will continue to fund that.But could we fund some police too?Oh, good. Turnout Strong as Beck Rallies Americans to Restore 'Honor' to the If there was a sports division, with the podcasts. Something is about to happen. They are not undergoing some sort of dramatic crisis here.While some would expect a little more coordination between the regime and its media arm to create a smoother narrative transition, this trailing dialectic serves its own purpose.Our ruling elite secure power through constant invocation of the state of exception.In theory, we live in a democracy, where the power of the government is constrained through the structure of the Constitution, and the will of the people.In practice, however, both limiting factors can be removed in the case of an emergency. As soon as there's no trust, what do they do?They have to have a war to be able to justify all of the massive changes that they're going to make to society. And I should really like you. They have one thing in common. They're doing it to us. I think you're leading to something, to make fun of me. I'm sorry.There's got to be another answer. These progressives do the same thing.They take it up to a certain point.And right at the moment of collapse. 's lap.STU: That's an opening line right there.GLENN: And I shoved her out of the way, and I sat on his lap, and it was very nice. But we don't talk about that. Twenty-sixth of May, 2022, you talk about an assaults weapon ban. China and Russia.They have already dismissed us, and anything we claim on OPEC. We have to send the jets.Really? And they didn't associate it with the male. We have a moment of, a-ha! Transcript of Newt Gingrich interview - Glenn Beck The Glenn Beck Program - TheBlaze I shouldn't say that. You are under oath before this committee, and I have to say, you have placed this issue squarely in record by repeatedly refusing to answer. We know it. Glenn Beck's daily spot on the nation's leading cable news station is coming to a close little more than two years after his start on Fox News. So who was it?China? Did I say if there was any availability?The answer to that was no. BECK: Today was a big day . I learned this directly from Weird Al Yankovic.STU: So I know it's true.GLENN: Okay. They're not looking for the truth. Again, too many names. I've seen a lot. But that's not what -- unfortunately, you're not -- actually, fortunately, you're not president.Unfortunately, someone better than the current president is not president. That was the argument. Don't cheat. What are you -- huh?Now, I don't know exactly what he meant by that. Podcast. Let's first hit the -- hmm. No. And you and I went back and forth about it. Twenty minutes to get the feeling of complete relaxation and contentment. What is it? Is our critical infrastructure, which our government is doing nothing to prepare.All we're doing is sending our money, over to the most corrupt country in the world.And making ourselves a bigger target. MyPillow.com. The Glenn Beck Program Transcripts | Podgist In my opinion, the West is a source of absolute evil. And I don't think any of you are going to be the same.And they all just kind of looked at him. Not going to happen.VOICE: And there's long records, which includes compensations for the damage inflicted, and accountability for creators of crimes. Just the Chinese. Just cut it down.STU: Economy of words.GLENN: Okay? We'll play a cut, if you haven't heard it yet. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. Responsible countries need to take action against criminals who conduct ransomeware activities in their territory.Okay. I can't say this IS coming, but I will tell you that at this point, I cant tell whether this is a prompting or not.. glenn beck today show transcript . And they are praying that the Holy Ghost will come and just change these men.They pray for a while, and then the congregation sits back down. Yes, I know.I mean, you can look at things like track and field, where you're just literally measuring. America is being destroyed from within. And we will not be satisfied until Ukraine is fully liberated, from the pro-NATO political elites. Holds Soviet air stuff. If it's coming from me. And its easy to define. You need 90 percent purity.They say this is, if it hasn't happened yet, we are within days of them being able to enrich plutonium.Or uranium. We're already paying them over time, just to do regular stuff. We all knew they were giving -- but if he would have said, you know what, we're with you until the very end.And the very end, we look at this as regime change in Washington. Those are all the possibilities, and they are becoming more and more likely, because we are looking so incredibly weak.But one that I can tell you, is happening. What meaning does your testimony even have? We don't have enough to then put them at the Nike story.And Nike is saying, well, I can't open a store in your -- I mean, we already have been closed two years. We've got a lot to do today. But he's lasted this long. King.And, you know, I walk in, and he doesn't even look up for me. And you're going to get everybody stirred up.And now?You're silenced if you say that's not true.Nine-year-old child taught by Debra Rosenquist, at Terryville Road Elementary School, Long Island, identifies as a girl, but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class. People were canceled for that. Fame has changed, or -- or exposure has changed.We're not seeing just these few people on TV. What do I do?So he does, what I don't think anybody else would do. It is a great program. It's the worst thing that can happen. That's not the objective. Glenn Beck, (born February 10, 1964, Mount Vernon, Washington, U.S.), American conservative political commentator and television and radio personality, perhaps best known for hosting the talk show Glenn Beck (2009-11) on the Fox News Channel (FNC). It's a network from Saudi Arabia. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. 9:00 p.m. BlazeTV. It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex, and the nature of human beings. ANNOUNCER: Today`s episode of the show GLENN BECK is brought you to by France. Not necessarily in that order. Those tweets were in my personal capacity.VOICE: No, no, no. The Glenn Beck Podcast Play all Glenn Beck sits down with notable guests both for their accomplishments and experience to discuss big ideas, inspiring stories and the origins of the. GLENN: Let me give you a couple of stories here that I think are -- say everything that you need to say.There's a new poll out. We have somebody who is a lefty.And on the second hearing, in the Senate, she was kind of caught in a little trap. It is an out-and-out lie.I don't accept it. property for sale under 100k; karla elliott obituary; murrieta youth sports; . And thanks to government leaders including our own continuing to escalate tension between the world's most powerful nations, it seems that we may be MARCHING toward World War III Transcript And shut it down. But then they started breaking down and cracking down on their protesters.And Biden says, he's willing to use force as a last resort. And he's like, bow your heads, bow your heads. Listen to the podcast The Steve Deace Show Weekdays 12pm-2pm ET National politics, Christian worldview and principled conservatism with a snarky twist. Two.The -- the problem with fentanyl is just the beginning. We don't know. Both of them.STU: You loved them.GLENN: I loved them. No.No. Man can only do so much. I will say though, in sports, you have a little bit of real world evidence, that boys are able to compete in most sports, at a higher level, than girls. Tonight we have several things were are going to address. Listen to this. The G.O.P. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. If you want an open society, to quote George Soros.So protecting speech from Government Interference Act. But I honestly, there's so many terms that have been canceled. You don't do this in Russia, without Putin. It has to be backed up by practice. And they found that 68 percent of the people are concerned about, you know, being able to afford their food.They are concerned about inflation -- inflation. Because on her first one, they had some tweets from her, that were like, you know who I just hate? And they are asking, in this national poll, what are you concerned about. Two, everybody seems to be dirty, because they're not transparent.Three, when questions -- or answers to questions don't make sense, and no one will show you any kind of transparency. But I would have proudly gone to meet and greet Weird Al and told you all about it. How dare you say that the border is a mess. DRAFT for Ukraineor does he? Why were -- how did that happen?STU: You have a lot of questions on that?GLENN: Yeah. You know, hey, I learned this. A federal law enforcement agency suffered a serious cyber attack. I believe that the Muslims understand me well.Because I believe that the West is an Antichrist. That pastor coming out from behind that -- that podium, and seeing him. But living in this kind of fear is destructive to not only our health, Glenn says, but our country as well. And we think it's really, the most likely that the Chinese lab leak was the one that caused that.Excuse me?Excuse me? This is an incomplete transcript. I'm going to show you some things from this week, from a couple of hearings, that I just -- I mean, I cheer.We are actually starting to find a spine in this country.And that is so great! And he has a song from many years ago.GLENN: You went alone, didn't you?STU: Of course I did. Why are you here?Who sent you here?He said, they found out that they were -- later, they were connected to two robberies from convenience stores. Ten-second station ID. BlazeTV.com/Glenn. We've been working on the law and order thing, for a long time.What works? POLLS / QUIZZES What to call it.They have dehumanized a child and taught that it, is a proper pronoun, for people you don't know the sex of.It! I want to hear those two separately.I want to talk to each of them. I thought it just dropped. We get all the guys here, just put them in skirts.STU: I don't know how that would -- I mean, that might be something you like, but it's not something that I think would affect the quality of the podcasts.GLENN: No, no, no. The Glenn Beck Program | BlazeTV Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Is not as good as a male doing that.STU: I don't know. I also can't remember also even meeting him.STU: You've had him on the air though.GLENN: I've had him on the air several times.But you -- that's a big deal, Weird Al.STU: Yeah, for sure. Because there's always somebody, that somebody has a problem with.Well, I don't like them, because of their race.Okay. I just wanted to shake your hand. Were you for that?Are you for this gas stove thing?No matter what they say, that is true. GLENN: I bet it was.STU: But so he had a song, I can't remember which one it was. Just try it out. And let you actually decide. Melatonin, right?It doesn't work for me. I don't care if you're a leper, that's just been healed by Jesus. glennbeck.com And I'm like, okay. Do you not think we would have gone to war?Do you not think we would have been justified to include Russia in that?Of course, we would.We have our president, in Ukraine today. They don't just come on the internet.STU: Now, look, was there a meet and greet level here? And we are going to be there indefinitely, it seems.Here is President Biden about the money going over to Ukraine. He keeps putting down these lines. The Glenn Beck Program Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made. Now, all of these cyber attacks are connected to Russia, one way or another.But if you remember in June of 2021, Joe Biden met with Vladimir Putin and gave him clear instructions. I would like to do that. This is from National Review. I don't even -- I don't -- shh. Did you ask for this?Because I didn't. You do not feel this in your system. All that stuff is out.And we are going -- we are worshiping, literally, I believe, doing ancient Moloch rituals in our lives.Evil thinks it's winning. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. Listening. Is that really necessary?GLENN: Well, just listen. But he uses the word hermaphrodite in it. Aired October 12, 2007 - 19:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. Saudi Arabia is cozying up, to whom? That's racist.And Elon Musk came out yesterday and said, yeah. Except, Russia would survive, and humanity would be saved.However, in either scenario, there will be no Ukraine.It will disappear, if we win. And what did that do?Set up World War II.We're doing the same thing. Beck walks closer to the painting and starts explaining its details. The Glenn Beck Program Play Newest Follow Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. All Republicans.I mean, just crazy stuff, that she just tweeted out.And so she made her Twitter feed, private, the day before she went to the hearing.And they only had a couple of her tweets. And it is very difficult for the public to hold anyone accountable, after the fact.When an emergency presents the opportunity to achieve power, under the state of exception, it is always best to manufacture the narrative, to secure that power as quickly as possible.And then make the adjustments later, after the power is firmly in hand. That's what they used to say. We're sending the firefighter jets. Churches, gyms, were shuttered, abortion clinics, Walmarts were deemed essential. And the preacher just engaged them, and said, turning to the congregation, you know what, let's praise God for them coming in today.Let's just praise God. I don't care about politics.This is a universal lie. glenn beck today show transcriptwhich of the following expressions are polynomials. And how dare you. And I still know what's going on, and I know what's about to happen. Who is with the new state policy network. DRAFT for Ukraineor does he? I don't know what his politics are. Sources: PolitiFact, "Glenn Beck on al-Qaida links to Muslim Brotherhood,"by Robert Farley, Jan. 31, 2011; Transcript of Glenn Beck Program, Feb. 4, 2011, accessed through Nexis With alleged intent to rob it or worse.STU: Alleged. And thanks to government leaders including our own continuing to escalate tension between the worlds most powerful nations, it seems that we may be MARCHING toward World War III, Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors. Not a nice man. And he's like, what do I do? But I believe he believes that we need to show force here. So great!However, we have to do more than cheer and yell at people. They don't want any diversity. Literally, what is she?This is from the kids. But we have expanded our reach, dramatically in the last about three years.And I can't --STU: And our waistlines.GLENN: And our waistlines. And subscribe now with the promo code Glenn. Sixteen specific entities. The cause of that problem is all of the ridiculous bullcrap about the police being reimagined.About -- about defending the perpetrator. Any; Short; Long; And he looks at them, and says, lift your voice up to God.Pray with us, will you? They revealed that Rosenquist had not only gone beyond the curriculum, teaching children about transgender. The -- what? Putin does not think so at all. And you also said you wouldn't give this committee, any of your public posts. So wait. Right in front of you.GLENN: I was the fan.STU: You don't have the juice to stop an artist from hitting on your wife.GLENN: No. It is so satisfying.He's the first person that I have heard. September 19, 2011 [GBTV] This is a rushed transcript. Rick & Bubba Show. The Glenn Beck Podcast - YouTube Let's talk about another post. Don't lie. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. And so they withdrew from the tournament, because they said, we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male, jeopardizes the fairness of the game, the safety of our players, and allowing biological males to participate in women and children's sports, sets a bad precedent for the future of women's sports in general.Good for them.STU: I mean, some school eventually is going to be smart enough to just go out there, and recruit a whole team of dudes.And just go out there and just kick everybody's butt. Lost limbs.The police officers and the fire department, that are critically injured or die. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. The long version is like eight minutes. And you encountered the move of the holy ghost. Retweet a post, ban assault weapons now. glenn beck today show transcript - sujin-shinmachi.com
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