Popular superstition attributes to him there a purse containing a groschen, which, as often as it is expended, returns to the spender. To the eyes of poets, the forests covering the hills are their hair, and when winter frosts them, they represent the snowy locks of a decrepit nature in the old age of the year:, Cum gelidus crescitcanisin montibus humor.. [164] Epitomized from Traditions of the North-American Indians, by J. There she buried Carl-Ynach, and daily fed her swan upon his grave. In former days there lived in Skerr a Druid of renown. et Belles Lettres, tom. But S. Gertrude occupies the place of the ancient Teutonic goddess Holda or Perchta, who was the receiver of the souls of maidens and children, and who still exists as the White Lady, not unfrequently, in German legends, transforming herself, or those whom she decoys into her home, into white mice. It is this:. The Epistle of S. Barnabas seems to allude to it; so do S. Cyprian, S. Augustine, Origen, and S. Isidore[101]. [101] Cypr. And I saw the jagges that men were clothed in turn all to adders, to dragons, and to toads, and many other orrible bestes sucking them, and biting them, and stinging them with all their might, and through every jingle I saw fiends smite burning nails of fire into their flesh. The beauty, the magnificence, the variety of the scenes in the pagan goddesss home, and all its heathenish pleasures, palled upon him, and he yearned for the pure fresh breezes of earth, one look up at the dark night sky spangled with stars, one glimpse of simple mountain-flowers, one tinkle of sheep-bells. [75] Die Sage von der Heiligen Ursula, von Oskar Schade. Click here for our privacy policy. On the stormy coast of the Hebrides are often found nuts, which are made by the fishermen into snuff-boxes or worn as amulets. . Then the wall opened, and he entered, bearing the Blessed Sacrament. But especially was it seen in the passage of Ezekiel (ix. Indeed, Wolfius reproduces his picture of Hatto in the mouse-tower, to do service as an illustration of the dreadful death of Widerolf, Bishop of Strasburg (997), who, in the seventeenth year of his episcopate, on July 17th, in punishment for having suppressed the convent of Seltzen on the Rhine, was attacked and devoured by mice or rats[136]. Rugen and Heligoland in the sea were sacred from a remote antiquity, and probably lakes had as well their sacred islets, to which the victim was rowed out, his back broken, and on which he was left to become the prey of the rats. According to local legend, he is identified with the Gypsies, or rather that strange people are supposed to be living under a curse somewhat similar to that inflicted on Ahasverus, because they refused shelter to the Virgin and Child on their flight into Egypt. Finally, the sun rises in the East and sets in the Western sea. P- 341. Once they had mounted, they were presented one final drink to fortify them for their travels. In the reign of Constantine the Great, there existed a great and beautiful church between Ramula, the ancient Arimathaea, and Lydda or Decapolis, dedicated by the Emperor to S. George, over his tomb. Centenarii xvi. It went by the name of the Moon-lake. Earth had accumulated over them, and they were buried. His German Chronicle contains the story of Bishop Widerolf and the mice. His introit was from. The girl soon dropped out of popular mythology, the boy oldened into avenerable man, he retained his pole, and the bucket was transformed into the thing he had stolensticks or vegetables. Actor Pierce Brosnan performed a version of this song in the 2002 movie Evelyn. Marco Polo says that the true monarch of Abyssinia is Christ; but that it is governed by six kings, three of whom are Christians and three Saracens, and that they are in league with the Soudan of Aden. One day, in a tournament, he overthrew the Duke of Cleves and broke his arm, whereat the Duchess of Cleves exclaimed: This Lohengrin may be a strong man and a Christian, but who knows whence he has sprung! These words reached the ears of the Duchess of Brabant; she coloured and hung her head. On his way to execution he had to pass the wine shop. A miller in the Black Forest, after having cut wood, lay down and slept. Venerable sir! said Fortunatus, I understand the Purgatory of S. Patrick is here; is it so?, The abbot replied, It is so indeed. Toki, who had for some time been in the kings service, had, by his deeds, surpassing those of his comrades, made enemies of his virtues. This vessel, he says, inspires poetic genius, gives wisdom, discovers the knowledge of futurity, the mysteries of the world, the whole treasure of human sciences. And he describes it as adorned like the Grail, with a beading of pearls and diamonds. And in like manner the story got about that there was a great King John. Her next son Anthony, had long claws on his fingers, and was covered with hair; the next again had but a single eye. But a less justifiable adaptation of the figure was that of the mediaeval hagiologists, when they took from Orpheus his lyre, and robbed him of his song, and split him into S. Francis and S. Anthony, the former with his preaching attracting the birds, the latter learnedly propounding scriptural types to the fishes. The friend of Raleigh added that government had ordered the arrest and immediate trial of the murderer, as the man assassinated was one of the principal servants of the Spanish ambassador. The youth, thinking that he was discovered, and that they were about to conduct him to the emperor, implored themto let him alone, offering to leave loaves and money if he might only be suffered to escape. The council broke up, and lords and ladies were scattered along the banks of the Meuse. A servant saw a mouse run out of him. Some way above is a bird with expanded wings. Reinbot von Dorn (cent, xiii. The other portals are of ebony. Looking again through the small window, she observed the fingers of the hand flaming, but the thumb gave no light: this was because one of the inmates of the house was not asleep. On its top, which is always covered with ice and snow, is a black and bottomless lake, into which if a stone be cast, a tempest suddenly arises; and near this lake is the portal of the palace of demons. He then tells how a young damsel was spirited in there, and spent seven years with the mountain spirits. Next day Raleigh was visited by an intimate friend, to whom he related the circumstances of the quarrel and its issue. Seth beheld the roots of the tree in Hell. It was the flaming sword in the hand of the Cherub who guarded the gate. In 18001802, the song was incorrectly attributed to Joseph Haydn by Sigismund von Neukomm (1778-1858), who entered it in the Hoboken catalogue as "Good night and joy be wi' ye. in Johann. Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) Beautiful Italian classical crossover song. Gherghis, or El Khoudi, as he is called by them, lived at the same time as the Prophet. The shepherd obeyed, and was going away, when the princess exclaimed, Forget not the best! alluding to his staff, which lay against the wall. Because he forsook the religion of his ancestors and followed strange gods, therefore God took the government from him, and gave it to one better than he, and whose heart was right before God.. It is therefore natural that Apollo or N-Apolen should receive the surname ofBonaparte. King Haki, when he died, was laid in a ship, the vessel fired, and sent out upon the waves. At length he resolved on a solemn fast of forty days. At these words the angel swung open the great portal of gold and fire, and Seth looked in. Charmed with its beauty, he prepared to shoot it, when it exclaimed, Shoot not, or it will cost you your life! As he persisted in taking aim, the swan was suddenly transformed into a lovely girl, who swam towards him, and told him that she was bewitched, but could be freed if he would say an Our Father every Sunday for her during a twelvemonth, and not allude to what he had seen in conversation with his friends. Her master had been unable, during six months, to sell her, notwithstanding the low figure at which he would have disposed of her; the abhorrence with which she was regarded was not attributed to her tail, but to the partiality, which she was unable to conceal, for human flesh. Some of the crosses have bezants, or pearls, forming a ring about them, or occupying the spaces between their limbs. This Horsel, in other places called the night bird Tutbsel, haunted the Venusberg into which Tanhauser plunged. A peasant, taken at haphazard from the street, was brought to the sorcerer as one suspected. Apparent exceptions, such as the Fauns, are not so in reality, when subjected to close scrutiny. It is a fair subject for inquiry, whether the popular iconography of the angel-hosts is not indebted to the heathen myth for its most striking features. Now it happened that the old walls ran across the ancient cemetery of the Roman settlement of Colonia Agrippina. Aymar went to the house which the victim had inhabited, and presented his rod to each member of the household. Malchus took five coins and left the cavern. Hanover, 1854, 8vo. Among the heathen, flows through a certain province the River Indus; encircling Paradise, it spreads its arms in manifold windings through the entire province. The land was most beautiful, and the grass as gorgeous as purple; it was studded with flowers, and was traversed by honey rills. Since then Tanhuser has not been seen. According to her account, the Pope Cyriacus, the cardinals of Rome, several bishops, priests, and monks, had been so edified at the sight of the holy virgins in Rome, that they had followed them on their return as far as Cologne, where they, as well as the damsels, had won the martyrs palm. The Parting Glass granting a safe conduct to visit the same place, to Raymond, Viscount of Perilhos, knight of Rhodes, and chamberlain of the King of France, with twenty men and thirty horses. In Pomerania, a laborers son, Jacob Dietrich of Rambin, was enticed away in the same manner. His pulse was at fever heat. 157174. He then sends the book by his two pupils, Gunadeva and Nandi-deva, to king Satavahana, but he rejects it as being composed in the Pisacha dialect. [24], ONE of the most picturesque myths of ancient days is that which forms the subject of this article. These explanations are untenable when brought into contact with the monuments of Egypt. The Mediaevals went further still, they desired to see the cross still stronger characterized in the history of the Jewish Church, and as the records of the Old Covenant were deficient on that point, they supplemented them with fable. This Keltic fable of the Land beyond the Sea, to which the souls are borne after death, has engrafted itself on popular religion in England. 2, dist. Before this light, the power of the dead men failed, and Gest completed his work in the vault[73]. The priory church of Griesly in Derbyshire was dedicated to SS. The usual manner of holding the rod, however,precluded such a possibility. The coincidence of the Tell myth being discovered among the Finns is attributable to Russian or Swedish influence. Because you have set the water in motion. She consented, and he found that, in the few hours of rapture in Avalon, two hundred years had elapsed. Moreover, we have heard through our treasurer that you have been pleased to send to us some objects of art and interest, that our Exaltedness might be gratified thereby. There they supped, and after supper they beheld a great light, and in the light were four angels bearing up an ancient man in bishops vestments, and they set him down before a table of silver, on which appeared the Sangreal. The resemblance traced between bird and cloud is not far fetched: it recurs to the modern poet as it did to the Psalmist, when he spoke of the wings of the wind. If the cloud was supposed to be a great bird, the lightnings were regarded as writhing worms or serpents in its beak. What these white vapours were, the ancient Aryans could not understand; therefore, because they bore a more or less remote resemblance to swans floating on blue waters, they supposed them to be divine beings partaking of the nature and appearance of these beautiful birds.
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