These areassub-Saharan Africa, the Americas before Columbus, and Oceania before the arrival of European explorerswill be examined in terms of technological development before the advent of modern times. Make your classroom more fun and engaging as students complete a nuanced activity to research and grapple with historical topics. International trade increased in volume. Donatello was a sculptor who revolutionized art in Florence. Answer (1 of 2): There were only two key technologies that differed between the two (and I include the Ottoman Empire with Europe, rather than Asia. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Unit 4: Learning Objective A Explain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750. Period 4: 1450-1750 Discussion Questions 35. Industrial Revolution. Declined in technological advances. Changes in Technology Navigational Changes Sternpost rudder improved steering - Invented in China Han Dynasty ; Lateen sails sail in any direction regardless of wind ; Astrolabe measured distance of sun/stars above horizon latitude ; Magnetic Compass Chinese direction without sight of land By dvhs156011. Part 1: 1450-1750: Part 2: 1750-1805 <--Part 3: 1791-1831: And for African Americans, the Industrial Revolution, those technological advances in the textile industry, did not mean progress. Compasses and navigational devices. The millennium between the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century ce and the beginning of the colonial expansion of western Europe in the late 15th century has been known traditionally as the Middle Ages, and the first half of this period consists of the five centuries of the Dark Ages. What were the major changes in trade? Jan 1, 1769. Invented by Conrad Gesner. Start studying 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750. There they came into border conflicts with the Chinese, but they also shared they problem of attack by Mongols and other nomadic people of Central Asia.However, Russian tsar Peter the Great, who In EU4, institutions represent major cultural advances. Though there is a dispute as to the exact years that bookend the Middle Ages, most sources say 500 A.D. to 1450 A.D. The Industrial Revolution 14171. In 1774, Edinburgh golfers wrote the first standardized rules for the game. By Plopoku. Period 1 Post-Classical Era 1200 CE to 1450 CE NOTE: Some of the topics precedes the year 1200, but all topics are both relevant and necessary to properly explain the topics and developments from 1200 CE to 1450 CE. Period 2 (1450-1750) 1450-1750 Changes. The ships, tools for traveling, especially the ones made Portugal and Spain all Impact society today, allowing for the age of exploration to emerge. Graphite Pencil. Conquered peoples continued to influence their conquerors' cultures, religious practices, and technologies, leading to rapid global transformation between 1450-1750. 36. Age of Exploration (1450 - 1750) I. Building on improvements in agriculture, on established small-scale production (proto-industrialization), and on enhanced navigation and trade, this technological change relied on Navigational Changes. The 1600s saw major changes in philosophy and science. These were gun construction and the technologies associated with ocean sailing, notably navigation both developed and refined in Europe. Points are earned by hitting the ball, served by a player of the opposite team, and sending it as far as possible, then running across the field to the kon line, and if possible running back to the gorod line. This is what overcoming fear is about, and this is also something at the heart of innovation. Sternpost rudder improved steering - Invented in China Han Dynasty. Astrolabe measured distance of sun/stars above horizon latitude. 1450-1750. Throughout East Asia, the development of Neo-Confucianism solidified a cultural identity. Conclusion. Motives for Exploration A. Technological Advances Between 1450-1750. Magnetic Compass Chinese direction without sight of land. Technological Advancements 1750-1900. By the time of the golden age of the Qing Dynasty, the Russian Empire had expanded all the way from its origins in Eurasia east to the Pacific coast. Two ment of a highly sophisticated socio-technological infrastructure; the third and final part concerns changes in education and scien-tific thought following the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Here are 10 French Innovations that have Changed the World: 1. Gunpowder Plot/English Civil War/Enlightenment . There are eight different institutions, and they generally occur every 50 years from 1450 to 1750. Magnetic Compass Chinese direction without sight of land. The first golf balls were reportedly created in 1400. Received the idea from the movable type, using metal molds, alloy a special press, and an oil based ink. Johann Gutenberg created the Gutenberg printing press. Before 1400s Europe is behind. Changes in Science and Technology from 1450-1750 Sciences Scientific Revolution (1543 - late 18th century) Reconception of the Universe (1543) Because of Copernicus, some astronomers began to examine the stars with a new perspective. 38. Modern Key Takeaways AP World History Period 1 (1200-1450) The spread of religion, aided by the increase in trade, often acted as a unifying social force. Technological advances during the period 1450-1750 or the Renaissance Era were major influences to the way of life seen today.The ships tools for traveling especially the ones made Portugal and Spain all Impact society today allowing for Johannes Gutenberg (the 1300s-1468) was a German craftsman, inventor, and printer who invented the first printing press with movable type in 1450. Technology 1450-1750. Technological Advances 1. improved navigational methods: - magnetic compass and astrolabe - improved maps and charts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 6th century BC: University in Taxila, of the Indus Valley, then part of the kingdom of Gandhara, of the Achaemenid Empire (modern-day Pakistan). 6th century BC to 10th century AD: High Carbon Steel, produced by the Closed Crucible method, later known as Wootz steel, of South India. This had become a major part of everyday life, and stayed that way for centuries. Improved transportation led to increased trade and the spread of networks. Maritime trade growth during the period 1200 - 1450 fueled most of the technological innovation. A New GLOBAL ECONOMY. Technological Advancements 1750-1900. Gutenberg, Johannes. Topic 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750. Presentation Transcript. The Great Divergence or European miracle is the socioeconomic shift in which the Western world (i.e. Letter from Christopher Columbus, 1492, Christopher Columbus (1st These were gun construction and the technologies associated with ocean sailing, notably navigation both developed and refined in Europe. 2. improved ship designs - the caravel. Over the course of the war, the Ottoman military, often assisted by their German allies, invested substantial resources in increasing the empires technological capacities. Background Info Ottomans - Government, Society, Technology 1450-1750 Christy & Tina Nguyen, Cindy Hwang Bayezid II Example: I ruled as a Sultan from 1481-1512 and prevented a Safavid rebellion. Subscribe for more great content and remove ads. The most significant change in global trade between 1450 and 1750 was the rise and involvement of the Europeans. Beginning with Portugal and Spain, European countries would commission the exploration, charting, and colonization of a huge portion of the world. This reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn, so a worker could work on 8 or more spools at the same time. Standard 6: The expansion of states and civilizations in the Americas, 1000-1500. It is convenient because history requires division into periods for purposes of understanding and instruction and because there were sufficient innovations at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries to justify the choice of this as one of the Beginning with Portugal and Spain, European countries would commission the exploration, charting, and colonization of a huge portion of the world. Technological advances during the period 1450-1750, or the Renaissance Era, were major influences to the way of life seen today. By Faussinator. Learning Objective G: Explain the technological factors that facilitated European exploration and expansion from 1450 to 1648. What stayed the same? Summary: Spain achieved an strong level of global influence from 1450-1750 thanks in part to the many technological advances it achieved during this era. 1450-1750Early Modern Period. Knowledge, scientific learning, and technology from Classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds spread, facilitating European technological developments and innovation. Technological Advancements 1450-1750. How was this era different from the era that preceded it? Technological Advancements in 1750-1900. Who was involved? The emergence of the nation-state, the cleavage of the Christian Fur trapping in Eurasia stayed constant during the period between 1450-1750. Motives for Exploration A. This was because Aztecs did not have access to iron and bronze. The original steam engine was built by Thomas Newcomen but Watt's steam engine not only ushered in the Industrial Revolution, but also improved the lives of people around the world. This era was important because it was the age of technological development. Lateen sails sail in any direction regardless of wind. Portuguese in West Africa, 1450s, Alvise da Cadamosto, Account on the advances of Prince Henry the Navigator along the West Coast of Africa (PORTUGUESE EMPIRE) 3. The Spanish imposed their language and culture on the native The Parachute. Lapta. Explain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in technology diffusion and facilitated trade and travel patterns changes from 1450 to 1750. Technological advances during the period 1450-1750, or the Renaissance Era, were major influences to the way of life seen today. However, there was a business opportunity in the search for resources. 1450-1750 Early Modern Period. 1700s Europe is beginning to pass other parts of the world in terms of wealth and technology. Technological advances during the period 1450-1750, or the Renaissance Era, were major influences to the way of life seen today. Lets remember some now. THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE 1450-1750. The state with the most access to trade could be the most powerful. Networks of Exchange (1200-1450) Freemanpedia. Failure to adopt Western techniques in recognition of their superiority. Standard 5: Patterns of crisis and recovery in Afro-Eurasia, 1300-1450. 1. For a brief overview, see the V&A's "Introduction to 19th-Century Fashion" and "History of Fashion, 1840-1900. Before the use of copper for making weapons, they mainly relied on obsidian and chert. 39. 1450?, Which of the following Chinese cultural traditions have the largest impact on The native American population was almost decimated by the technological advances of the Europeans and diseases such as Small Pox, which most Europeans were already immune to. Standard 4: The growth of states, towns, and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa between the 11th and 15th centuries. 882 Words4 Pages. and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions with both intended and unintended consequences. The most significant change in global trade between 1450 and 1750 was the rise and involvement of the Europeans. 37. From the Middle Ages to 1750 Medieval advance (5001500 ce). The above is merely a brief outline of some of the Ottoman scientific activities and related institutions that brought about the revival of culture, science, and learning in civilizations throughout the world. New or intensified networks of trade and communication fostered cross-cultural exchanges. Study Humans and the Environment, 1450-1750 flashcards from Jennifer Zhang's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Jan 1, 1764. God, gold and glory I. 3. Bie My eee) medal ol The second unit in AP WORLD HISTORY: MODERN is all about the inter-connectivity of the 1200-1450. In 1440, the printing press was made by German inventor Johannes Gutenberg the "Father of modern printing". 1450 - 1750 . The army made considerable headway in expanding infrastructure and building an air This embrace of human discovery also affected technology with a rational approach to the material world and a growing interest in transforming that world through Technological innovations, strengthened political organization, and economic prosperity all contributed to this change that completely altered world trade patterns. The term Industrial Revolution, like similar historical concepts, is more convenient than precise. The printing press made books became easier to print, mostly the bible, and other productions using paper. Many history books call this time the Dark Ages as it reflected a lull in learning and literacy, but, (9601127), who gave us the world's first movable type printing press technology. As a result, technological developments in areas outside of Eurasia before 1400 have not received as much attention as the world island. Increased substantially because of technological advances and the worlwide expansion of trade Standard 7: Major global trends from 1000-1500 CE. Steam Engine James Watt patented his improved steam engine in 1769. Unformatted text preview: Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections Study Guide c. 1450 - 1750 Topic 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 - 1750 Learning Objective Historical Developments Explain how crosscultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750.Knowledge, scientific learning, and By 16600570. 14501750: 22% of the AP Exam Overall Changes 1) The world became truly global - the western hemisphere came into continued contact with the eastern hemisphere. The modern parachute was invented in the late 18th century by Louis-Sbastien Lenormand. Early Modern Europe 1450 to 1750. Call Number: Credo Reference. Expansion of Trade and Exchanges: c. 600 CE - c. 1450. Jul 8, 1866. In this era the various regions of Eurasia and Africa became more Part 1 : 1450-1750 Explores the intensification of global connections established by 1500 C.E., and the resultant expansion of European influence and power globally. Scholarship is as yet unable to solve the problem so far as technological advances of the Middle Ages are concerned because much information is missing. But it does seem likely that at least some of the key inventions of the periodthe windmill and gunpowder are good exampleswere developed spontaneously. Printing Press. Navigational Changes. Lapta is a Russian ball game played with a bat, similar to modern baseball.The game is played outside on a field the size of 20 x 25 sazhens (about 140 x 175 feet). The Industrial Revolution 1715 - 1918. The emergence of Western technology (15001750) The technological history of the Middle Ages was one of slow but substantial development. The ships, tools for traveling, especially the ones made Portugal and Spain all Impact society today, allowing for Jul 8, 1757. Techonlogical advances from 1750-1900. Astrolabe measured distance of sun/stars above horizon latitude. Jan 1, 1450. What technological and scientific advances were made during this time period? The Industrial Revolution (17501900). Thanks.' 2. improved ship designs Example- the caravel ship - allowed sailing with and against the wind . The content focuses on Unit 5 - Revolutions, specifically scientific and technological advances in Period 2 (1450-1750). Prior to the beginning of the 1600s, scientific study and scientists in the field were not truly recognized. The ships, tools for traveling, especially the ones made Portugal and Spain all Impact society today, allowing for the age of exploration to emerge. I already have flying shuttle, compass, astrolabe, microscope, and telescope. By denvercolin. Technological advances during the period 1450-1750, or the Renaissance Era, were major influences to the way of life seen today. Technological Advancements 1750-1900. AT THE VERY BOTTOM are all of the new topics added to the Period 1200-1450 for AP World. It held more than 1 ball of yarn, so it could make more yarn in less time. SIO 3 4.7 Changing Social Hierarchies from 1450 to 1750 6 4.8 Continuity and Change from 1450 to 1750 . Selected E-Books Encyclopedia of World Trade From Ancient Times to the Present by Cynthia Clark Northrup. The Big Changes. Age of Exploration (1450 - 1750) I. "For more in-depth information, see the decade overviews and bibliographies below. Rise of Europe 1450 - 1750. 14th century. Guns and gunpowder. Technology 1450-1750. This is still used today as the Technology Certifications TOEFL Wine & Spirits Foreign Languages; Arabic Chinese French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Korean Linguistics Other Foreign Languages Portuguese Russian AP World History > Africa: 1450-1750 > Flashcards Flashcards in Africa: 1450-1750 Deck (19) Golfers hit a pebble in place of a ball around the sand dunes with either a stick or club. AP Concept: 4.1 Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange Key Concepts. China Late Imperial China: The Ming (1368-1644) and the Qing (1644-1912) The Chinese political and social order is at its height in this "late imperial" period of the last two dynasties: prompting individual countries to pursue technological advances, wage costly wars, and engage in imperialism.) New boats became widespread along sea trade routes. Unit 2: Learning Objective G: Explain the role of environmental factors in the development of networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450. Major changes in the fields of philosophy and science took place during the 17th century. Get an answer for 'What are some major technological advancements during the time period 1450-1750 CE? Precise observational data became the norm and By the end of the 17th century, British mining and metallurgical technology was still between a hundred and hundred and fifty years behind the best practice techniques of the Continent. By 1760, it was at the forefront of Europe in these areas, giving it a technological advantage. The project covers Unit Guide Learning Objectives 5.2 & 5.3. 2. improved ship designs Example- the caravel ship - allowed sailing with and against the wind . Western Europe and the parts of the New World where its people became the dominant populations) overcame pre-modern growth constraints and emerged during the 19th century as the most powerful and wealthy world civilization, eclipsing Ottoman Turkey, Mughal India, Qing