Regt. Company "C" had just finished an exercise with mine laying and then picked up the anti-tank mines and placed them alongside a truck to be taken to a safe area until the next exercise. August 14, 1944: VII Corps jumped off with the 3rd Armd. 115. Division assembly area in the vicinity of LE DESERT. August 24-25, 1944: Bn. The main difference lies in the divisional structure. The truck disappeared and 29 men were torn apart and their bodies were scattered through the trees. July 25, 1944: The Battalion witnessed the "Carpet Bombing" of the breakthrough zone by 2,000 U.S. POULAY, FRANCE.2 Witness to War is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the oral histories of combat veterans through digital video interviews. Group. Division launched an attack through our positions in the direction of HURTGEN and GEY; Co "B" made a limited attack in front of Post #2 & #3 for the purpose of deceiving the enemy. the goal was to be home by Christmas! (C) Bn. 35. 299th Combat Engineer Battalion - 299th History Post WWII 78. 126. The force withdrew under heavy mortar fire. It was their third mission over Berlin and they were heading home. bivouac was shelled by enemy artillery for 30 minutes at 1900 hours; one shell exploding 11000 pounds of TNT in the center of the bivouac area. The mission of both companies was to occupy pillboxes in the Siegfried line to prevent the Germans from entering them. 111. Recon. 43. Frank Capuozzi was a rifleman who rode in a jeep ahead of the guns as they pushed across France. August 6-7, 1944: Bn. January 5, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a continuous Bailey Bridge across the L'OURTHE RIVER in DURBEY, BELGIUM. I have a lot more to tell. Ed Harrell describes in detail the sinking of the USS Indianapolis from Japanese torpedoes, which left nearly 900 Sailors and Marines in shark-infested Pacific waters. Section, and two squads of Co "C" resulting in their passing a point where they should have turned - at this point Co "A" took the lead and Co "C" joined the rear of the Bn. How very nice to hear from you. alerted to move; received movement orders at 1600 hours to move at 1630 hours to bivouac in vicinity of BRECEY. of a sector of the front line in the Hurtgen Forest. Carroll, John M. | Veteran Oral History | National Guard Militia Museum 85. 63. October 23, 1944: Co "A" relieved from attachment to 297 Engr. LENNEP, GERMANY.2 Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Rommel's big push had begun. 128. ANTHEE, BELGIUM.11 This bridge remained in use until 1955. Part 2 of 2. 94. (C) Bn. The Japanese had made their move. After Pearl Harbor, leaves were cancelled, but that policy eased and Newton Riess and a few buddies headed to New York City for a little fun. As an aside, many of you, I am sure, have heard about the Slapton Sands incident. April 9, 1945: Co "C" converted the railroad bridge in WISSEN to take vehicular traffic. Our expertise enables us to reconstruct the service history of your individual WWII veteran and to give you a glimpse of the experiences that he or she had during the war-even if their military service records were lost in the fire. The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was attached to 1101st and 1120th Engineer Combat Group, the 3rd Army, 1st Army, V Corps, and VII Corps during World War II. One engine was shot out. As a photo-recon pilot, he was dispatched as soon as the attacks ended to search for the enemy fleet. 89. The North portion of the position was reached but the foxholes were found empty. 134. The Bn. A defense was set up by Co's B, A, & C: the Bn. In the interim my dear, I would be happy to provide you with your own page, as I have done for so many of my other vet friends on the main site. June 10, 1944: The Battalion Executive Officer and U.P. 51. 91. July 18, 1944: Bn. Five (5) men were killed and 25 injured. Immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, elements of the 249th were deployed to New York City and were instrumental in restoring power to Wall Street enabling the financial district to resume operations within a week of the attack. After a nerve-wracking mission to bomb Tokyo and a typhoon, B.E. gave him permission to go see him. One of the first waves at Omaha Beach. proceded [sic] on to the vicinity of MAYENNE arriving late in the afternoon. God has been good to me and I thank Him every day for sparing me into old age. We did all of our training with mines and bridges on the property formerly owned by Sir Walter Raleigh, and now owned by the Digby family. Lawrence Snowden remembers that, though it was an easy victory, valuable combat experience and important lessons were imparted on the Marines. It was disgusting down below in the Queen Mary so Newton Riess went up on deck to escape the smell. Our military records specialists are on site at archival research facilities nationwide and can access a wide variety of WWII military service records of your veteran. moved to 3rd Armd. After an accident resulting in a raft being sunk, the Battalion moved downriver to Mainz. Bn. Frances R. Fulton, Lt. Ray L. Whiteturkey, the Bn. April 13, 1945: The Battalion moved to DERSCHLAG, GERMANY. Two fold-out maps from the unit history are stored separately in an oversize box. The Digby family were living in the relatively new castle at the time. Reconnaissance was made of the MEUSE RIVER in the vicinity of DINANT and HASTIERE in preparation for the crossing of the 9th Inf. 294th Engineer Company | 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. Thank you. of 9th Infantry Division made an attack thru Post #5 at 1100 hours; the Infantry met strong resistance 300 yards in front of Post #5; Post #5 was relieved at 1630 hrs. 53. . At a R.J. approximately 2 miles East of MILLEY, the head of the column was ambushed by enemy infantry and tanks. Learn when and where a WWII veteran was wounded or killed in action (we can often show you exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action). 110. Thats where Stan picked up a large German Flag. The battalion was organized and under the command of only three captains. Bn. Neither of these show up on his DD-214. Your Name (required) Phone Number (required) . Formatting (inconsistent in original) such as capitalization, underlining, punctuation, use of quotes, etc. June 13, 1944: Battalion moved to the vicinity of St MERE-EGLISE and given the mission of providing general support to the 4th Infantry Division. The Battalions mission was general engineer work in the VII Corps sector in the area around STOLBURG, KORNELIMUNSTER, BREINIG. This society is an independent charitable organization. 84. 15. This list identifies Army units that were awarded assault landing credit for the Normandy invasion, 6 and 7 June 1944. I can tell you a lot about the 294th Combat Engineers and the incident which took place on March 20, 1944. was given the mission of straightening up the line. Bill Adair may have been the luckiest man in the Bataan Death march. Research A World War II Veteran (WWII WW2) - Golden Arrow Research It didn't blow up the plane, but they lost all the fuel for that engine, so now they had two engines out. October 11, 1944: A 6 man German patrol was found between Post #1 and #3 - two of the enemy were killed and four escaped. April 6, 1945: Co "B" constructed Steel Treadway Bridge at DREISEL, GERMANY across the SIEG RIVER. January 4, 1945: Co "B" dismantled steel treadway bridge at NOISEUX, BELGIUM. He bunked with regular B-17 crew members, but Bill Livingstone was a gunnery instructor who was there to keep skills sharp. The 237th Engineer Combat Battalion served with distinction under 1st Army during WWII. He heard some firing from another gun and turned around just in time to see a horrifying sight. moved to CHATEAU MODAVE then on to CHATEAU ENGLE BERMONT. 77. 2. Any contribution above basic membership is tax deductible, and is most appreciated. 81. The exact battles your WWII veteran took part in. 294th Engineer Company | Units US Army 294th Engr Co 294th Engineer Company U.S. Army Subordinate units 294th Engineer Company ( MO ARNG) Carthage Armory | Carthage, Missouri, United States Detachment 1 Anderson Armory | Anderson Locations . 90. 66. August 13, 1944: Bn. Co "A" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge over the timber trestle bridge in VICHT. The Assault Force - The Normandy Invasion | U.S. Army Center of After practicing law for 55 years, I'm sure you have more than a few stories to tell. Division; a heavy snow was falling at the time of the relief; the Battalion moved back to PONTHOZ, BELGIUM. Co "C" removed the Infantry support bridge at HUNDHAUSEN. Next, they removed minefields, anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. as of 0800 hours. The photographs, taken from January-December 1944, cover training, road and bridge work, the Marigny Drive, soldier life, and Germans, The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was activated by the U.S. Army on 3 March 1943 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Along with thousands of others, he was forced to surrender and was facing the prospect of joining what would become known as the Bataan Death March. August 4, 1944: Bn. I am attaching a painting I did of Sherborne Abbey and the Cross Keys pub next door where I learned to play darts while serving with the 294th. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. By October, all of 296th was in Belgium. alerted for movement with the VII Corps to the ARDENNE Sector. Exactly where the veteran was stationed and locations he visited during WWII. 70. The 249th Engineer Combat Battalion was constituted on 5 May 1943 at Camp Bowie, Texas. Growing up in Baltimore, Harry Kone used to hang around the docks watching the cargo ships unload. September 9, 1944: Bn. A typo is noted by the use of [sic] other errors are probably my own. It was completed on V.E. TOTAL 266. Battalion noun Any large body of troops. moved to vicinity of VILLEDIEU-LES-POLES. His father worked as a chef in America and as soon as he became a citizen in 1939, he sent for the rest of the family. Bn. However, I strongly suggest that you contact the Army Corps of Engineers to see if they have a file on his unit. The 249th sailed from the United States to England in May 1944, after equipping and preparing for combat, the Unit landed on Utah Beach in August 1944 under the 1137th Engineer Combat Group commanded by Colonel George A. Morris. The 294th Combat Engineers were training at the same time at Camp Gordon. They traveled from Liverpool to Berlin, a total of 1800 miles in 623 days. THE BATTALION WAS ATTACHED TO THE FOLLOWING UNITS AT VARIOUS TIMES: 257th Engineering Combat Battalion | WWII Forums Stan found a glider made in Deep River and removed the ID plate from a glider made by Pratt Read & Co. One of the most difficult experiences was the cold that winter says, Stanley. John Souther was on reconnaissance patrol when he nosed his halftrack up over the edge of the gully in the Tunisian desert. continues to support the 9th Inf. 24. Newspaper Items- 298th Engineer Combat Battalion, WWII - RootsWeb 112. From there, we boarded a ship and headed out in convoy to Glasgow, Scotland in January, 1944. Bn. July 17, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac at TRIBEHOU. Loss of equipment was heavy; however, casualties were light. 34. I have also visited with Jean Treasure in her home. March 28, 1945: The Battalion moved to ALTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY with the mission of cleaning rubble from the streets to permit two way traffic, and to remove a railroad through town and construct a roadway for wheeled traffic on the railroad embankment. April 11, 1945: The Battalion moved from WISSEN to MORSBACH, GERMANY. Frank Capuozzi was born in Naples. Part 1 of 4. U.S. Army Combat Engineers, 1941-45 - HistoryNet August 28, 1944: Bn. 97. You are a great artist. Shipped out to England to prepare for the Normandy invasion, the eighteen year old got "scared as Hell" when he was briefed on the German defenses. Gp; Co "C" joined the Battalion at ERZEE, BELGIUM. vehicles were withdrawn to an assembly area at MILLEY. Now that's what I call getting the REAL SCOOP! 55. Frank learned English and worked in the restaurant with his father. January 23, 1945: Co "C" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. returned to Battalion. 58. The Official (DECLASSIFIED) Files of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944 Journal for August 1943 Journal for September 1943 Journal for October 1943 Journal for November 1943 Diary 1943 New Yorker Bob Darino was drafted in 1943 and trained as a combat engineer. was relieved by 246 Engr. The 249th Engineer Battalion also supports other missions: The 249th Engineer Combat Battalion was constituted on 5 May 1943 at Camp Bowie, Texas. HERBORN, GERMANY2 of a sector of the front line, and went under control of the 3rd Armored Division. 136. Later, they were divorced and she had a series of lovers and, at one time, became America's ambassador to France. 5. 812th Engineer Company | Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center of 64. The 257th was also credited the Ardennes-Alsace campaign (9 Dec 1944-25 Jan 1945) and the Rhineland (22 Feb - 21 Mar 1945) campaign. At the new bivouac area orders were waiting for the Bn. April 16, 1945: The Battalion moved to LENNEP, GERMANY. Co "C" attached to 297th Engr. Co "B" constructed reinforced Heavy Ponton Bridge 465 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 9 hours and 30 minutes. When the war ended, I was in Austria and I was discharged in January, 1946. Alexander: The Story Of The 236th Battalion - as of 0700 hours. Co "A" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. July 5, 1944: Co. "B" repaired damaged bridge at BAUPTE under artillery fire. October 25, 1944: Co "C" completed culvert in vicinity of BRAND. She dissipated his fortune and after he died, she was sued by his children. If you have additional information on the 294th I would like to share it with my father-in-law. 120. One of the pilots was brought into our hospital and had his legs amputated. He relates what he found out while hiding beneath Japanese planes. Understand what your WWII veteran experienced while assigned to specific infantry units, ships or squadrons. After Pearl Harbor, he was drafted and became a citizen in the Army before he shipped out to Europe. Captured several prisoners. The 236th was created during World War II, an offspring of the 44th Engineer Combat Regiment at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. The 296th built a 180-foot bridge across the Ilm River. #1 of Companies A, B & C arrive at bivouac area in vicinity of St MARIE-DU-MONT. What are we going to do? 1. On 24 December 1944, Brigadier General Harlan Harkness, the assistant division commander, ordered the battalion to advance and secure the towns of Arsdorf and Bigonville to the north of the 26th Infantry Division, near the area of operations of the 4th Armored Division, in order to relieve the occupied towns so the division could advance and attack the enemy line. The story was put out that two German saboteurs had set off an explosion. In March of 1943, a group of 13 Deep River Boys left together and formed a Combat Engineers Unit which kept them together throughout the war. Then the battalion was stationed at Gerszewski Barracks, Knielingen, Karlsruhe, Germany, under the command of the 18th Engineer Brigade, where it provided construction support to USAREUR elements stationed in Germany for the Cold War. At 0100 hours on August 7, 1944 Capt. moved to vicinity of GAVRAY, and reverted to control of the 1120th Engr. 6. The other patients and I raced outside and we saw the carnage. Division begining [sic] at 1500 hours. From then on it was the road to Berlin. 72. June 23, 1944: Battalion given the Infantry mission of clearing the North East corner of the Cotentin penisula [sic] of scattered enemy troops - liberated the French towns of QUETTEHOU and St VAAST LA HOUGE. This society is an independent charitable organization. The Allies had arrived in Holland. On order, deploy worldwide to provide prime electrical power and electrical systems expertise in support of military operations and the National Response Framework.[1]. 4. . Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion. The Bn. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Division whose mission was to seize and hold the west bank of the ROER RIVER south of DUREN.