The seventh blessing is the peak of the crescendo and represents the aim to which this new partnership between God and man is to lead. The spiritual insights that Abraham has discovered, either on his own or with Gods help, will bring in their wake beneficence to the entire world. Galatians 3:9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. Abraham falls on his face in subjugation, and laughs to himself in wonderment (although not in disbelief). Sarah is well passed the age of giving birth to children. Abraham suggests that Ishmael be chosen instead - to which Elokim replies: Indeed Sarah your wife shall bear you a son;and you shall call his name Isaac;and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him. As for Ishmael, I have heard you;behold, I have blessed him, and I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him exceedingly;he will beget twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this set time the next year. ' There is a Rabbinic tradition that Malchizedek is to be identified with Shem, the son of Noah (TB Nedarim 32b, Midrash Tehillim 76:3, Targum Yonasan, and Rashi to 14:18). Nevertheless, the question still stands. B. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened." 8.Rashi to Genesis 12:1. Copyright 2002-2023 | might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 0000032224 00000 n The Good News . In sum, Abraham was elected because he brought to the world knowledge of Elokim as the Ruler of the universe, and because he discovered the attributes of a personal God YKVK, and demonstrated by personal example how to relate to this aspect of God. This is the heritage he will pass onto his children: However, to promulgate these ideas to the world at large, Abraham will need a team and a forum. His team is to be his offspring and his forum the land of Canaan. How this is to b brought to fruition comprises the rest of this chapter. #7 - and I will give to you, and to your offspring after you, the land of your sojourns, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; - and I will be a God to them.. Bible Studies Articles/Stories New/Special Jesus Maturity This is applied creative abilit You shall be the father of many nations : This speaks of CREATIVE ABILITY. , This difference in territorial borders is a reflection of the ideas that the names for God Elokim and YKVK are promoting. . But this so-called duplication can be readily explained. In the first instance, the communication was to Abraham alone and was via Elokim. This is because Isaacs birth has universal implications. Now husband and wife are informed as a couple by the angels of YKVK about this future pregnancy. This communication has personal and tribal implications, but not a universal one, and is part of the two YKVK and Elokim stories winding their way through the book of Genesis. God bless. At least two other important concepts are introduced in this section. One is that the ten nations currently living in Canaan will deserve to be expelled - although not now but at the time of the fourth generation, since. Let no man despise thee. Faith is not based on feeling- though the emotions are involved. Circumcision is to be not only a , but an aspect of the covenant itself. A Jew who is not circumcised denies that he is part of the mission of the Jewish people -. From this seed came the people of Israel, whom God promised to bless. The distinction of being made a pillar in God's temple. DANIEL MOSES . A tension has now been introduced into the story that will be keenly felt by Abraham and accordingly by the reader. Abraham and Sarah are infertile. and Marge Abram have been preaching the Good So we see that Abraham call had a purpose and his obedience to this call will bring great blessings. "You shall be the father of many nations": This speaks of CREATIVE ABILITY. When we bless others we can expect it to come back to us. 4:16. Saviour Jesus Christ. Circumcision is to be not only a sign of a covenant between Me and you, but an aspect of the covenant itself. A Jew who is not circumcised denies that he is part of the mission of the Jewish people - .. that soul shall be cut off from its people; he has broken My covenant.(Genesis 17:14). There is discussion among Jewish commentators as to the symbolic meaning of circumcision. Most agree that it is a means of distinguishing the Jewish people from the rest of humanity.46 Clearly, it is not an overt symbol, but every Jew knows that he has the circumcision engraved in his flesh and that his connection to God has been signed in a blood ceremony. He is now marked for the mission statement of the Jewish people to stand before God as His representative to the world to promote justice and righteousness. God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us than we are to receive And through this promise, God binds Godself to this people forever. I. I dont know much about blogging oo.still learning, Your email address will not be published. of the land as well as the power and authority over the family. God also provided no opening for Abraham to negotiate about the justice of His decree as He would later do for Sodom.. . This 5th blessing given by Elokim is about the eternity of the Jewish people and its role in world history. The land of Canaan, what will in future be called the Land of Israel, is to be their core possession. This is where the forefathers walked, set up religious monuments, and prayed to God. This is the territory that defines the Jewish people among the nations of the world, just as the territory of the seventy nations of the world defines them. As chapter 10 states on four occasions regarding the descendants of Shem, Ham and Yaphet . 6 In all thy ways The promise to Abraham establishes him and his descendants as conduits of God's blessing for the whole world. B. The blessing of Abraham is misunderstood by many Christians and church leaders. Our lights need to shine in the sin dark world. A midrash suggests that the animals cut up for this covenant represent specific forms of animal sin offerings that would be offered later in the wilderness. thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that The blessing of Abraham is also sometimes misused in prosperity theology to claim that believers today can be just as rich and successful as Abraham was. This is the fulfillment of the blessing of Abraham and Gods promise that through Abraham all peoples (Gentiles) would be blessed. I will bless those that bless you 6. At one time, it was the largest city in the ancient world. It also was on the coast and therefore a port; but the coastline has since moved further into the ocean and the ruins of Ur are now inland. The Chaldeans of Ur of the Chaldeans are a Semitic tribe who invaded Ur at the end of the 7th century BCE. When you purchase products from Blessed Buy . 7. This blessing is called the blessing of Abraham because God gave it to Abraham as a promise in Genesis 12:3: "in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed" ( Gen. 12:3 ). Frequently, the kings did not reign as Gods loyal representatives but often followed their own desires. The major Bible texts of the three promises. The Egyptian Exodus and Canaanite conquest - facts or fiction? The blessing of Abraham begin in Genesis 12: 1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Abraham begin in Genesis 12: 1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of 0000010001 00000 n 40.Nachmanides commentary to the Torah on Genesis 17:1. A midrash, on the other hand, sees circumcision as bringing a repair of a physical perfection (Bereishis Rabba 6:1). Rashi follows up on this. Rashi also brings another explanation that this is a command and that Abraham is to be complete or wholehearted in the trials to which he will be subjected. This could be referring specifically to the command of circumcision (Beer Yitzchak)., 42.This explanation is at variance with that of Rashi (Rashi to Genesis 17:9) who suggests that Elohim is only a God to the Jewish people inside the land of Israel. Otherwise, it is as if they had no God. See also Babylonian Talmud, Kesubos 110b.. 0000021858 00000 n , Abrahams siring in his old age is fully elaborated in the Torah and there must be messages here. One is that these tribes have a place in the Near East just as do the offspring of Isaac. Another may be that these nations were once raised in the household of Abraham and would have picked up religious sparks from their upbringing. Some time in the future, they will seek their true roots and by embracing his ideas will once again become part of the extended Abrahamic family. The commonalty of nations rather than their differences also flows from the story of Noah and his forming the common ancestry of man.. The blessing of Abraham was not just for Abraham. Nachmanides commentary to the Torah on Genesis 12:1. Nachmanides suggests that Abraham wandered from country to country and only when God told him that this was the land intended did he stop his journey., 15.Where was Abraham born? The Bible is very clear on the matter: Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in his native land, in Ur Kasdim. (Genesis 11:28) From archeological work carried out from the 1800s and onwards, we know that the ancient city of Ur was located in southern Mesopotamia at the convergence of the Euphrates and Tigris. . correspond, since the time for three generations is a lot less than for 400 years? There is also no indication from the Bible that the Israelites were in slaves the entire time they were in Egypt. BELOW ARE NOTES TO SHOW HOW WE ARE THROUGH GOD'S GRACE ABLE TO BE HIGH PRIESTS AND BE EQUIPPED BY BLESSINGS TO CARRY OUT OUR PRIESTLY DUTIES. 0000001469 00000 n "The tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. The seven blessings bestowed upon Abraham by YKVK and Elokim are clearly prophetic in nature. Blessing number four. All these blessings are for the church but they will not fall like ripe berries.It takes deep knowledge,insight and understanding of the scriptures to fully maximise their benefits.And it will take a proactive and responsible approach too.Responsibility is the price for Greatness.Understanding and action is what it takes in Jesus Christ Name. A. "Growing in God's Grace" Adult Sunday School Today at 11:00 am. 5.Bereishis Rabbah 38:13. Also Rashi to Genesis 11:28 who suggests that Ur of the Chaldeans means fire of Chaldea. Bereishis, OU Press). Lead us to our job.E. 7 fold blessing of abraham. Closely related to the 3rd. what are the blessings of the abrahamic covenant. We cannot simply insert ourselves into a biblical text. He also authors The Father's Menu, a power packed monthly daily devotional book. At first glance these two sentences seem similar to each other, but they do in fact express very different ideas. In the last but one sentence, Elokim promises to be a God to Abraham and his seed forever and this would include periods of exile. In the last sentence, He also promises to be their eternal God but in the land of Canaan. Blessing number three in Genesis 12:2 and I will bless thee, So in today's vlog, I teach about how God sovereignly chose to lift a man up out of obscurity, kiss his life with an eight-fold promise, and ultimately bring the same blessing to you through Christ Jesus. So where is his birthplace is it Haran or is it Ur of the Chaldeans? Cassuto solves this problem by suggesting that the word , means not birthplace, as commonly translated, but kindred or family circle and he brings other examples of its use in this way in the Bible. 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. God will equip us with strength that comes from that which every joint supplies in the community of believers we call the Body of Christ. We do not join it. what is an lpa in psychology what is computrace in dell laptop )is a keyword in this passage, being repeated ten times. Accordingly, it defines the theme of this paragraph which is about a covenant between Elokim and Abraham. The number 10 may signify the ten generations between Noah and Abraham, since Noah also participated in a covenant with Elokim. V. Blessing number five Genesis 12:2 and thou shalt be a blessing: A. In life, we are not saved by making promises to God but by believing Gods promises to us. God's Promise to Abraham. (Deuteronomy 18:13). Just as you are to avoid magical practices and retain your trust in Me, so also are you to walk before Me and maintain your belief in Me. The Lords Command and Promises, Chapter XII in Commentary on the Book of Genesis, Part Two, from Noah to Abraham by Umberto Cassuto, p310, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1977. Cassuto rejects the explanation of Rashi as meaning for his own benefit as other verses in the Bible do not fit this explanation. For example: (Exodus 18:27). When Joshua instructs the tribes whose home is in Transjordan to take leave of the other tribes and return to their tribal possession he says: He also provides other examples. Hirsch and Rabbi Joseph Solveitchik have similar explanations to this. I will bless you. 38.Section Five. . God blesses us so that we can use it to help others. It could well be, therefore, that this is an expression of outspoken praise of God and His attributes, with or without an audience. The background of the blessing of Abraham is really found in the OT in the book of Genesis chapter 14. The Tanach Study Center. There is discussion among Jewish commentators as to the symbolic meaning of circumcision. Most agree that it is a means of distinguishing the Jewish people from the rest of humanity. This is not to say that the Egyptian exile is completely unfathomable and in retrospect one may attempt to find reasons. It may be that the Jewish people had to experience the emptiness of servitude to Pharaoh to bind themselves to a new Master. They had to experience being treated harshly as strangers in another land to appreciate how strangers should be treated when in their own promised land. Very likely the Israelites would have assimilated in Egypt in the absence of discrimination and enforced servitude. The exile also had to last hundreds of years since historical circumstances were not yet ripe for them to enter the land of Canaan., even before the contract was sealed. He could have told God that he had had second thoughts about this entire venture. But he did not do so. Nor did the majority of Jews throughout their thousands of years of exile. This is because God will bind Himself to the Jewish people and they will bind themselves to God. How this is so, is detailed in the next blessing. Galatians 3:9 So then they which be of faith are . First, God commanded Abram to leave his homeland of Ur (modern-day Iraq) for the land God would show him. How by the power in us, which is 0000031703 00000 n Amen. The seven blessings with their accompanying stories concern themselves in the main with matters of faith and history. But what of the values that Abraham practiced? These will be the subject matter of the next essay. It is very noteworthy that there is considerable difference between the extent of Gods territorial gift in this 5, blessing and the previous one. In this Elokim-bestowed blessing, Abraham is promised the , (Genesis 17:8), whereas in the previous YKVK blessing he is promised . also accompanies both covenants - in the covenant with Noah a rainbow and in this covenant circumcision. B. Genesis 14:18-20 tells us the story of the first tithe in the Bible: Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. The land of Canaan is the territory in which Canaan, the grandson of Noah, and his descendants lived. Zidon was in the north and encompassed a large area in Lebanon, and Gerar was its southern border. This city is close to Gaza, but further inland and somewhat to the south of Gaza. Shaking hands with a preacher and joining church is not enough. Having trouble logging into your account? (Tenth paragraph, the history of Terah in ACommentary on the Book of Genesis , Part Two, from Noah to Abraham, p273) Both places are the land of his kindred and the contradiction disappears. However, the contradiction also disappears if one assumes that Haran and Ur of the Chaldeans were both in the same geographical area - in Aram. The 7-Fold Promise in the Abrahamic Covenant - Albert Finch Ministry You shall be the father of many nations : This speaks of CREATIVE ABILITY. The full implications of the Abraham story are now coming together. Why were Abraham and Sarah told to leave Haran in their old age? Clearly, no age is too late to confront spiritual challenges. Prior to God communicating with him at age 75, Abraham may well have concluded that he had led a meaningful life and little remained for him to accomplish. If he had thought this he was mistaken. The most consequential aspects of his life were yet to come. Wonderful, I had never connected this Thank you very much for sharing this. Web Development: Digital Smiles. It is biblical and it works. 43.Rashi suggests that its meaning is the Jewish people plus the tribe of Edom (Rashi to Genesis 17:6). Nachmanides disagrees that Edom is included here and brings examples where the Jewish people are called nations and peoples (Nachmanides to Genesis 17:6). Targum Onkelos translates nations as tribes. Radak suggest that the reference is to the descendants of Keturah who married Abraham after Sarah died. 0000020385 00000 n At Babel men sought to make a name for themselves and it only ended up dividing then but through Abraham the whole world has been blessed and believer are united in Jesus Christ. The tree of life. I don't use Facebook, was basically thrown off about 8 years ago for posting content that spread hate (simply posted photos of Islamic thugs murdering innocent civilians) . - 12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in ) rather than cut as in the previous covenant with YHVH. Nevertheless, in both passages the word to cut is still used with reference to humanity in the Noah passage that all flesh will never again be cut off by the flood (Genesis 9:11) and in this passage that an uncircumcised person will be cut off from its people (Genesis 12:1). A sign also accompanies both covenants - in the covenant with Noah a rainbow and in this covenant circumcision. God also protected him and kept him safe. The borders of the land of Canaan are defined in more detail in Numbers chapter 34, while the more extensive borders are mentioned again in Exodus 23:29-31 and in the book of Deuteronomy (7:22, 11:22-24, 19:8-9). In Genesis we see Abraham gaining a great reputation, and we see how his descendants multiplied, even though, at the time the promise was made, he had no hope of ever having any children. Who Are You Amir Tsarfati? Abrahams role in this covenant is revealed at the very beginning of this passage: God is saying - you, Abraham, are to walk in front of me and be my representative to the world. This should be contrasted with Noah, who walked , What Abraham represents is not delineated in this passage, but is mentioned in the very next section. In brief, Abraham will teach notions of, (Genesis 13:19) to his children and they by their example will instruct the rest of the world. God is the epitome of justice and righteousness and He needs a representative on earth who will embody His attributes and by example bring these ideas to the rest of humanity., A number of interpretations of the phrase , ) have been proposed. Nachmanides relates it to a similar use of this word in Deuteronomy when the Bible discusses forbidden magical practices and which concludes there with the phrase . 5. Moreover, given their prophetic nature it is not surprising that many aspects of the Abraham stories reverberate to this day. Scripture: Power over the nations, and the morning star. Fruitfulness is self-replicating abundance produced without undue strain but rather by the blessing of God. Terms of Service. Report an Issue | About Us and Marge Abram People: Our salvation comes from Jesus Christ, the one sent by God to save the world. No. * It was directly before the Tabernacle that the blood of the red heifer was sprinkled seven times, Numbers 19:4. God has always love to deal with Man in covenants.A covenant is an agreement between two people sealed by an oath of blood.Gods blessings are free but are conditional.If the blessings are unconditional,then it is called a promise.This means you have a part to play to commit His integrity to play His.Abraham had obeyed God to sacrifice his only Son and leave his country and family to strange land before the blessings were released ;In response,God then made him a blessing to all generations.God takes Obedience pretty seriously. The birth of Isaac is unnatural. The Bible does not call it this in plain terms, but describes it as a Abraham laughing in wonderment and his son being called Isaac from the same word to laugh. Postmenopausal women do not have children. Blessing number four. The blessing of Abraham is right standing with God and receiving the Holy Spirit through Faith. means my princess and may have been a form of endearment. During the second covenant that God establishes with Abraham involving circumcision, God introduces Himself with the words: (Genesis 17:1) The Bible is telling us here that Abraham embodies the attributes of God and he is to walk before God as His representative to the world. These seven promises are written in a crescendo form, building up to the last two promises which form the apex of the crescendo. The basis of this covenant is for Elokim throughout their generations .. to be a God to you and to your offspring after you, (Genesis 17:7) and that in all the land of Canaan.. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The History of Jewish, Christian and Islamic Messianism" of extreme interest. 0000000976 00000 n Remember, God is not a man that He should lie. May we as children of God receive all God have for us through our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2. of the earth.1. Abraham's call, therefore, was forward-looking. #7foldblessingsofabraham #propheticalconvention #rev.danielmosesSPECIAL PROPHETICAL CONVENTION 2021 || 7 FOLD BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM || REV. Maimonides rules in his Mishna Torah (Mishna Torah, Hilchos Terumos chapter 1) that only land captured by the people, as in the days of Joshua, has the agricultural laws of the land of Israel incumbent upon it, such as tithing. Land captured by an individual, even if part of the inheritance of Abraham, would not have these laws. Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. The blessing of Abraham was a benefit to Abraham himself. The name El Shadai appears again in the Torah in the Jacob story when his father, Isaac, blesses Jacob before he leaves for Padam Aram. Foremost in Isaacs mind is that Jacob be fruitful for Gods covenant to be fulfilled: The concept that God has a different name for His aspect of fertility may sound strange to us moderns. Nevertheless, within the pagan world it was common that there be a chief male god of might in partnership with a female god of fertility. Genesis 12:2 and make thy name great, Following Gods directive to walk through the land. God's seven promises to Abram when he was still in Ur of the Chaldees; before he left his homeland, his family, his comfort zone and traveled to Canaan by way of Haran: 1) I will make you a great nation 2) I will bless you The Amplified Bible says, "I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors." Abraham was blessed with abundance. , What is the purpose of this covenant? Or to put the question another way - circumcision is to be a sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:11), but what is it a sign of? (Genesis 12:8 and 13:4)? Many commentators follow the lead of midrashim and assume this was part of Abrahams outreach program. He was announcing the existence of God and welcoming all to embrace monotheism. Yet in the one instance in which this expression is used in the Torah outside of Genesis it is a scene in which only God and Moses are present. Abraham falls on his face in subjugation, and laughs to himself in wonderment (although not in disbelief). Sarah is well passed the age of giving birth to children. Abraham suggests that Ishmael be chosen instead - to which Elokim replies: Bible critics have noted that the couple are told twice about Sarahs impending pregnancy, once here and again in the very next section. There, Abraham and Sarah are informed by one of the three angels of YKVK that in a years time Sarah will have a son. Sara is listening through the tent wall and the intent is clearly that she should hear this news. This suggests to these scholars that two different textual sources exist regarding Sarahs pregnancy. The birth of Isaac is unnatural. The Bible does not call it this in plain terms, but describes it as a Abraham laughing in wonderment and his son being called Isaac from the same word to laugh. Postmenopausal women do not have children. and then continues his journeying southward. At this time there is a famine in the land and Abraham elects to go southwards to Egypt. In Egypt, his wife narrowly escapes having relationships with the Pharaoh when she is forcibly taken into his harem.. The first blessing is Genesis 12:1 unto a land that I will shew thee: Shechem is in the northerly section of the spine of the north-south mountain range that passes through the land of Canaan. Its location is a critical one since it is at the crossroads between the junction of the main north-south road that goes through Canaans mountain spine and an east-west road. The western branch of this road crosses the Jabbok and Jordan rivers and was an important entry point into Canaan from Syria and Mesopotamia. For a people wishing to take over the central mountain range this would be a critical city to control. If this is so, then the Jewish people are being marked for a priestly function to the nations of the world. The Bible will be more explicit about this in the Book of Exodus by calling on the Israelites to become a nation of priests. the protection and pledge of God is grave. , 17. The five-fold blessing is the idea that when you buy from Israel, five different areas are affected by your purchase. As far as using Romans 13:1-7 to defend 501C3 and your building - I address below. Contact Us Sefer Bereishis, p72, OU Press). Nachmanides, on the other hand, assigns no particular significance to this form of the verb and assumes it to be common idiomatic Hebrew usage. Shem was given that power and authority and now Abraham, his descendant, will be chosen as the righteous father of the holy people of God. In this sermon outline we list only seven of the blessings given to or through Abraham. If we are in Christ, then we are heirs according to the promise given to Abraham- says Paul. However, there is no evidence from elsewhere in the Bible that bestowing blessing on others was important to Abraham. Radak suggests that the phrase and you shall be a blessing is not an imperative but a promise. Nevertheless, the issue is a difficult one. The notion that all the nations of the world will be blessed through Abraham is repeated In Genesis 18:18. In that passage, it is linked to Abrahams practice of righteousness and justice.