By Chris . I found a sign with Google Earth for a very huge underground base that could have the size of about 12 x 6 kilometers in the north of the. And it pops up in a . They will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, with total loyalty, and without hesitation or fear. Straight said he was appointed to three Presidential Commission by Donald Trump including Judicial Corruption and Human Trafficking and claimed access to the Department of Defense (Pentagon). Padded dentist seats with seatbelts, which are unnecessary. the underground tram system goes under the ocean. The domes were placed on top of the foundation, and then the water is pumped out from the inside of the dome. Arming the Fleet or "ATF" tells a compelling story of the secret city of China Lake, California, a secluded Navy base that is hidden in the middle of the vast Mojave Desert that has been quietly delivering "weapons that work" since 1943. This is why they have put so many resources into building these more advanced bases, like the one Im talking about in Brazil that Ive heard referenced as a Zazi base and a few other terms. Another Underground Base and Saucer Craft Area. You may think there isnt much out there while traveling north on Highway 395, but the range facilities are filled with radar sites, target areas, and an occasional lone laboratory with some strange engineer who hasnt seen daylight in four days hanging out most the week by himself. & the so. And theyll keep that with the population usually under about 200 people so they can control them. It was that quiet and they were that loud. The Message for Humankind. Cosmic Disclosure. Level 5-security is severe. Spinning tapes was the most boring job you could get into in this arena and the workers are usually referred to as tape apes.. The three master plan areas are: South Range, a half-million acre range poised to accommodate new missions; the Armitage Airfield; and the central laboratory and base support "town center" district, Mainsite. SE of Kingman, AZ7. The SNORT Track at China Lake wasnt used a lot in my day. We each received a plaque with a personal thank you for our efforts for supporting the missions that took place. Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab80. JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING. I went out there and ended up spending a considerable amount of time rebuilding the machine because it was trashed. The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. It covers the entire continental United States and extends through Central America and Brazil into Argentina. [11][12]The shuttles travel by the use of high-intensity compressed air, and are extremely fast. Possible super huge underground base found! China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station ID/CAC Card Processing. Weve been building underground bases since before [WWI] that were pretty impressive. ), The DUMBs recycle air from time to time. ventilating the air out of an underground base makes a trumpet noise almost like a tornado siren. some of these trumpet noises people are hearing on a wider scale in the skies are actually an energetic shock wave coming from the Sun, the sound is coming from energy coming from the Sun interacting with our upper atmosphere.[2], Multiple whistleblowers have revealed that the casinos themselves are intimately involved with the military-industrial complex, if not directly owned by them in many cases. Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer . but other things going down there, as Corey can also relate to of working on different types of devices, such as different types of vehicles, number one, space vehicles; also, the medical stuff I talked to you about in the last episodes, with all the storing of cloned bodies and whatnot. Page10. on List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military Underground Bases in the USA, on List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military Underground Bases in the USA. I was trying to raise a young family with three kids and was struggling. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. Military Underground Bases In The USA - Complete List - May 30, 2022 . WASHINGTON, D.C.102. Battle Creek, 42 19.3 N 85 10.9 W FEMA, regional center, activity secret (not validated)59. The Taos facilities goes north approximately along Interstate 25 and eventually ties in NORAD. NEW YORK85. Its a type of concrete that is the foundation. Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake is a large military installation in California that supports the research, testing and evaluation programs of the United States Navy.It is part of Navy Region Southwest under Commander, Navy Installations Command, and was originally known as Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS).. White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication it is unknown by this author. It really didnt become a real pressing matter to have deep, underground military bases until the nuclear age, and until the age of having not only nuclear weapons but delivery systems that were sort of like bunker busters, that could deliver nuclear weapons deep under the rock strata before detonating. [10]They were later upgraded to egg-shaped shuttles powered by a maglev system, hydraulics system and vacuum system. Later in the week, the F-117s could be seen flying in various places on the ranges. . Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations Corey Goode., Chinese Spy Ship Heading to Australia to Spy on War Games withUSA, Tropical Storm Barry Bearing Down On NewOrleans,,,,,,,,,,,, Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream Former UN Weapons Inspector ScottRitter, Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward AffirmingQueers, Francis Chan, Rick Warren Were Already Planning A Revival Event At Asbury Video Released 7 Days Before It AllStarted, Lawsuit Filed Against EPA as America Awakens to the Horrifying CHEMICAL COVER-UP inOhio, Miami Dolphins Cornerback Byron James says Covid Vaccines Destroyed His Game; DO NOT take., Norfolk Southern Offers Buyout to East PalestineResidents, The Orchestrated Destruction Of America Is Exploding Before Our Eyes Attacks Upon Our Food Supply, Water AndAir. From hazardous mountaintop forts to impenetrable underground bunkers, these are the most fascinating facilities on the planet. Some are under UTEP in El Paso, TX. 30 east of Yuma, AZ. The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico. You could actually see the round come out and go down range. The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth, today. Working at the airfield and doing data reduction work was great, but I didnt make a whole lot of money. , MESA (Missile Engagement Simulation Arena). Answer (1 of 8): This is one of those really stupid QAnon conspiracy theories. Evidence is emerging regarding David Lester Straight, and how he, along with factions of the U.S. Government and military, held enslaved children in cages underground in California. Outside the China Lake gate is the city of Ridgecrest. ARKANSAS12. (LogOut/ Angel Peak- reported saucer base. WEST VIRGINIA103. Armed guards patrol constantly and in addition to weight-sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. An unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines on Wed. Oct. 16. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base.81. A number of global intelligence agencies have confirmed the . . The bunker is beneath the West Virginia wing, which includes a complete medical clinic. Fort Irwin, CA, 3520'N 1168'W W. saucer base. An AFB is also nearby. The Russian Attack Upon China Lake Has Resulted In Magma Movement China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Base Guide - Kern River, CA the hollowed-out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield- reported saucer base25. View all posts by lance goodall. In October of 2019 I reported a story I received from Straight regarding 2,100 kids who were rescued by U.S. Marines from cages underground in California. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. And then, again, there are also Navy expeditions that have gone and found beautiful underwater caverns that lead to areas underground that are perfect for sealing off and pumping all the water out, pressurizing, and building a base. It goes to Asia. MICHIGAN58. COMM phone number for Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake MWR Child Development Center. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Do you know if they do have these iris-type of metal things that could be used like that, that open and close for air ventilation? NORAD also controls many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS end time callback programming. Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 . List of DUMBs by State - Complete List of Military Underground Bases in It Just Goes Deeper & Deeper California's Underground A-J - Subterranean Bases Though the Army and Marine Corps want troops ready to go underground, not every base has the facilities. Very cool place to spend a couple hours watching the various activities taking place on the ranges. The Dulce, NM area (an area I spent several days investigating in 1993). The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tiles with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. Straight then answered a question from Holmseth about China Lake. This place is an office building and a concrete shielded area with a huge static stand for mounting aircraft to. S-66 is the most secret and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300 deep.69. . Green Valley6. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom Lake but controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge (S-4) underground bases. They would lob into a pad of real thick sand. The airfield is north of town as are the many ranges. [21]It used to be an NBC facility. DUM base. ?, deals with secret aircraft. Blue Diamond, 36 02.8N 11524.3 W -reported saucer base66-68. How can you find out if the underground base in Klamath Falls, Oregon is still in operation or is down? They were interesting to watch because they were actually quite maneuverable. Many mag-lev subterranean train networks stretch from these complexes and go out to other underground bases. The Navy's sprawling Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake has over 1.1 million acres of land and 20,000 square miles of controlled airspace at its disposal as it sits at the heart of the huge R . Quincy, CA, 39 56.2 N 120 56.5 W. saucer base28. 3, called Mount Pony, IlluminatiFed. VIRGINIA97. Commander, Navy Region Southwest > Installations > NAWS China Lake You may not be Claude Davis, but you can make use of his procedures and techniques toincrease your chances of survival! . Linda and Thomas are going to do a show together on China Lake shortly. Steven Greer M.D. Upon rolling through the gate and parking inside the complex I got chastised first thing in a humorous way that they were tracking me with the radar as I progressed on my way out and I had broken the posted speed limit several times. [13]One can neurologically interface with the shuttle through metallic plates where the hands go and through two ports in the back of the seat. Possible super huge underground base found!, page 1 - And these are private corporations that I spoke of that are running these things.[6]. UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES: Locations and Map on Google Earth The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. White Sands, 3222.8N 10628.8W, a major hub for research, tied in with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation research ctr. DEWINE & STATE OF OHIO]. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base 18. MISSOURI60. . Hood, and very close to Larch Mtn. NEW MEXICOThe state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of a series of underground bases. This is no laughing matter. There are many things in that area that are classified to this day, but there are a few things I can talk about what without landing in prison. Safford, near Safford11. To view this aircraft two feet in front of you is befuddling at the very least. . (LogOut/ That road is no longer in use, but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost. This DUMB sits on China Lake's NWC's land, built in the '60s *(Neutralized with primary China Lake facility. SRI, the U.S. Navy, and NAWS China Lake did R&D work on undersea facilities. See #15 above). The underground facility is 88.3 square miles deep. [4], The finished walls in those tubes resemble polished black glass. A great asset when doctors and hospitals wont be availableany more given the current situation. They were brought there to test new technologies and were to be returned to that ship after its maintenance was complete. I then got another position working with an all-new digitizing system called the Loral 8715. These attached disks glow and change color. Christians, Gun Owners, Veterans, Tea Partiers, Homeschoolers, etc., Are The Targets In The New World Order. We got to go over to the hanger and check them out. . 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. The radar followed it on its own as it went about its business and the image was crystal clear like you were 50 yards from it. WASHINGTON101. Ada, 3446.4 N 9640.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does human cloning, and it is FEMAs most sensitive base.89. WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. It sits 500 underground.49. Unacknowledged: An Expose Of The Worlds Greatest Secret. A&M Publishing LLC. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility. 2,100 KIDS RESCUED BY U.S. MARINES FROM UNDERGROUND, ALEXANDRIA GODDARDS BEHAVIOR CAUGHT LIVE ON VIDEO, ONE ASSHOLE WHO THOUGHT HE WAS UNTOUCHABLE [MORE TO COME? That worldwide network is called the Sub-Global System. It has checkpoints at each country entry. 90 via Nucla. This anonymous man says batches of children numbering one, two and three thousand were kept in cages piled up to the ceiling of large hangers. and mind control. Underground War Update! Gene Decode on DUMBs. B2T Show Jan 23 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on the military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. Though there was low observable weapon testing at the time, the Navy didnt have any stealth aircraft in testing. Typically, to enter an underground base, youd have to enter a really secured lab or a really secured corporation or a really secured military installation to access the underground. Yet knowing about a place like NAWS China Lake is a lot different than having a first-hand account of what it is like to live and work there. IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! MARYLAND53. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. And you have your own 24-hour, like you said the day and night situations. The glass would then crack and burst open like a banana peel across many many miles. Bee-tee-double-u, China Lake just happens to be a gigantic Navy installation used for research, testing and evaluating weapons such as the Tomahawk missile, AIM-9 Sidewinder, and the explosive Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane ().Add to that the fact that a certified natural health professional is also leery of the goings-on at the China Lake Millitary Base, and I think . The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms. [7], When they were first developing the subterrenes, they just drove the drill uninterrupted for long distances at a constant speed so that the glass tunnels would be of a uniform density. Looking at these things in awe caused me to do something very impulsive and was in hindsight a very bad idea. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. A new 285,000-sq. Straight said he participated in the rescue. It would get close to the bombing complex and then pull up and release the inert test bombs. too.2. Its located near Brooks Lake. . stored here in underground levels. . And those of us who were cleared to be out at the airfield got a special treat. Often, moving in the dark of night, they wing their way to Nevada where they go through testing at the ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Tonopah Test Range, and yes, Area 51. They were cordoned off with red tape and there were air force guards on each corner with their M-16s poised and ready if someone decided they wanted to do some sort of nefarious deed! It was fun to be involved in as it was new but soon that became routine as well. These Fascist criminals parade as our friends and leaders, while stripping away democratic rights that will be replaced with a Corporatist and Fascist dictatorship, unless people, and especially Americans, wake up now. Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed), 32 25.0N 1040 14.0W -old relics of saucer base left.76-78. List of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) Datil and Pie Town which have two more underground bases. I dont recall what they were testing at the time. A lot of cloning goes on there. A male Monarch victim remembered "A large hanger building at China Lake with a concrete floor and row after row of cages suspended from the ceiling filled the large building. There may be as many as three underground installations in New Hampshires hills (according to reports). Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake | Base Overview & Info I went over to the hanger and had some discussions with the maintenance crew and they had found some loose connections in the bus connectors. & ? Some Very Reasonable People Believe Underground Nuclear - BroBible And theyre absolutely spread out all over the place. There are what almost looks like UHF antennas that spin and do all kinds of crazy movements and other things that make you feel that you could be fried any moment if they were pointed at you. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. AT & T maintains an underground facility at Fairview, KS.52. It was very interesting to see the typewriter style buttons and ancient controls in the A-6. The next place on the map where an underground base is, is the Chocolate Mts. George Air Force Base, CA saucer base21. Military Continues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels Across the One goes north toward Delta, CO and Colorado Springs. It had very sharp angles and was so futuristic looking you couldnt imagine that it was really able to fly, which it couldnt without flight computers of course. I also got to see some of the targets and proximity shells they tested with. One of my fonder memories was when a group of F-117s came to the base from Edwards. The White SandsAlamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases. The holding capacity of such leviathanic bases is huge. Keep in mind that the U.S. Navy was the first worldwide INTEL organization for this country. . Ending this article, I highly recommendthis bookto everyone. Conspiracy theorists think underground nukes are to blame for George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base. This aircraft is one of the most awe-inspiring flying technologies ever to be seen then and now in my opinion. . Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2W W- reported saucer base37. 348 N 117 48 W20. Change in over three dollars requires a physical exam and X-ray. It kept getting closer and closer until I was sure that there was some sort of problem because it appeared to target us in the bunker and I started kissing my ass goodbye. When it happens, it will be too late to stop it. The cracks are now contained between the two rings. EVIDENCE: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION USED CLOSED CHINA LAKE MILITARY BASE TO HOUSE AND TORTURE CAGED KIDS, by Timothy Charles Holmseth War Correspondent on July 20, 2022, at 9:07 A.M. USA. The data reduction group was where that began. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. There is only one major motel and a few stores. Power of Thought/UFO Bases Coast to Coast AM. "Underground bases trafficking children and running the Chemtrails in California were destroyed . COLORADO . Watching that F-14 come in low over the desert at 600 miles an hour 200 feet off the ground was exhilarating. This was a very proud moment for me to be able to participate in helping with the Gulf War effort and we as a group were recognized for our participation by the Navy Department Heads. Atlanta is believed to have several underground installations in its area, one to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, GA connected to Dobbins AFB, and one to the south of Atlanta at Forest Park.47. Straight knew about the 2,100 kids being moved by U.S. Marines and told Holmseth about it in October of 2019. I display the plaque in my current office to this very day. . I was in Henderson on May 3-4, 1988 on one of my Death . The water flew 25 feet in the air on impact effectively slowing the sled. Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: China Lake is known as the biggest alien underground base in US. But since this was already on the base, inside another base thats there . Here are the locations of Deep Underground Military Bases in America: ARIZONA1. [22], The Cube is a state-of-the-art underground facility that Lockheed Martin Skunkworks runs in the high desert near Edwards Air Force Base. China Lake: When a quake hits a secret area - Capitol Weekly They do stars at night. This upward movement was unheard of at the time. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 7759.8W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper off of Rt. I grew up at China Lake Naval Weapons Center and worked there for years, but . . Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. Under the Partnerships For Peace Program PFPP set up by President Bill Clinton in early 1993, thousands of troops a month have been coming into America. China Lake NAWS takes up a huge swath of desert just southwest of Death Valley, and is normally closed to the public.unless you arrange for a tour of Littl. And these areas, too, they dont have, like, parking lots in front of them or anything like that. Post navigation - Daily Street News The installation is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of . China Lake, which covers 1.2 million acres of the Mojave desert, felt the brunt of the significant tremors, from the magnitude 6.4 earthquake that struck at the morning of July 4 to the scores of . In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we do not all wake up and see what is happening. There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the area as if to keep things in, and small concrete stacks that resemble mini-cooling towers rise out of the acres of nowhere to apparently vent underground levels. He said the military rescued 400 kids that were underground where they were being held until their traffickers received an order (like one would order pizza). One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this underground system. Underground Bases, Missing Children, Extra-Terrestrials - What You Need (Neutralized with underground burn out . I found a sign with Google Earth for a very huge underground base that could have the size of about 12 x 6 kilometers in the north of the China Lake Naval Weapons base. It had an 8mm tape drive in it. 1150 50N 3720W. Japanese . Menu; Home; . Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. I was able to transition into a data reduction job working on the A-6E Intruder System Weapon Improvement Program (SWIP) within six months because I was learning things so fast and demonstrating my potential. Some people said it was a hoax, but there is an opening for an underground base system that submarines use off the coast of California that was, I believe, caught on a satellite image. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base61. The guys in that facility were really cool and when the test was about to begin, they gathered everyone up and took them to the roof of the building to watch. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.