We must never appear to be mean-spirited or bigoted. Describes People For The American Way (see: https://www.au.org/resources/religious-right/traditional-values-coalition), For many years, Sheldon carved out a niche for TVC by engaging in unrelenting gay bashing. Sponsor a Child - Compassion International God created mankind in His own image, endowing man with freedom, creativity, One key concept is the idea that underdevelopment and poverty stem from a lack of a Christian (fundamentalist) worldview. One of the current fellows at the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Herbert Schlossberg, who during the 1990s helped formulate a complex master strategy for combating organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering 1997 Co-presenting the anti-LGBT rights plan, at The Gathering, along with Schlossberg was Don Schmierer, then-serving as a program director for anti-gay funder Howard Ahmanson, one of the top funders of Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. North Carolina Family Policy Council 2009 945,497 Pennsylvania Family Institute 2009 306,780 Regenerations website (see: http://regenerationministries.org/) features endorsements from Andy Comiskey, National Public Radio commentator Frederica Matthewes-Green, and the late Chuck Colson, head of Prison Fellowship Ministries and also a Gathering featured speaker, whose published endorsement states, Christians need to help people who are fighting homosexuality and sexual addiction in their lives . 2009 19,900 2012 0 2010 164,630 2012 4,000 . Upon his return to the United States, Everett established a program that allowed caring people to provide food, shelter, education, medical care and Christian training for Korean orphans. 2010 1,000 First time logging in? 2009 512,200 Vision Forum Ministries must have priority over feelings and sympathies. Each child has only one sponsor, which is why the sponsor's prayers, letters and support mean so much to a child. Another of Howard Ahmansons projects has been the funding of efforts to promote schisms within mainline Protestant denominations, over divisive wedge issues such as same sex marriage and the ordination of gay clergy. 2013 6,100, Council For National Policy (EIN 72-0921017). But a search on the same website for the term same-sex leads to this: After two years of being a part of this support group, my struggles with same-sex attraction subsided. 2010 111,600 footnote: The AIC has played a substantial role in the recent political ecology of Kenya, and its promotion of Neo-Pentecostal doctrines has helped steer national discourse away from questions regarding political leadership and corruption and towards narratives concerning personal morality. compassion international lgbt compassion international lgbt In an April 2014 CBN commentary bemoaning the impact of the Obama administration and their allies, Pat Robertson stated, Something has got to be done, we have to get free of these people because its like a mass of termites that is eating away at the structure of this great edifice we call the United States of America and theyre burrowing in and theyre getting paid to destroy us. (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/pat-robertson-lambasts-obama-administration-termites-destroying-america), Robertsons use of the term termites was not new. 2007 5,500 In 2007 Ellel Ministries co-head Jill Southern stated, [Homosexuality] is usually a result of homosexual abuse in very early childhood when they were wrongly touched but there are other possible causes such as gender confusion and rejection by a peer group as a weakling So this spirit of homosexuality has an appetite for homosexual acts, and is using your body for its own appetite. Wrote the author, through His lovethat one-of-a-kind, unconditional, sacrificial love like no otherI was delivered from homosexuality. 2010 750 2013 142,794, Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom (EIN 54-166459). As reported by the Des Moines Register in a July 23, 2104 story. 2012 0 Noebels book characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish which sought to change the natural order created by God himself.. Compassion International Church Partnerships Specialist I Remote 2d $54K-$67K Per Year (Employer est.) Natural disaster. 2005 5,250 2007 401,000 2012 17,050, Great Commission Foundation EIN 35-1057090 2004 0 ADFs supportive function was expressly intended, by its founders, to give ADF leverage to corral existing Christian right legal groups and attorneys away from previously antagonistic legal strategies and towards complementary, mutually reinforcing approaches. Bring Biblical solutions to contemporary social problems Teen Challenge has officially endorsed exorcism as a therapy since 1996 (see main Teen Challenge entry), 2001 5,000 [9], The organization also helps in emergency situations and in the funding of health centers. One project of the Indiana Family Institute has been the Indiana Pastors Alliance (see: http://www.hoosierfamily.org/indiana-pastors-alliance) which, 2007 10,000 Hitlers genocide wasnt really an issue for them. I was not free. While The Gathering is almost exclusively an affair of the dominionist Protestant evangelical right, The Council for National Policy brings together top funders of both the secular and theocratic far-right with movement activists and strategists. 2006 33,250 Hammond is also author of the book Biblical Principles for Africa, which presents a Christian Reconstructionist template for society, and his ministry gives Biblical worldview seminars throughout Africa, patterned after the Biblical Worldview trainings held by the James Dobson-endorsed Summit Ministries. While National Christian Foundation direct funding of CFCV has been modest, heavy NCF funding has flowed, indirectly, to CFCV through the Alliance Defense Fund/Alliance Defending Freedom. Around the world, so-called conversion therapy and other efforts to change sexual orientation and gender expression subject LGBTQI+ people to psychological, physical, and verbal abuse. 2010 9,357,128 4. Founder of ex-gay Regeneration Ministries was Alan Medinger, was the original executive director of Exodus International. 2008 1,999,900 Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. 13. transform my life is one of those mysteries., Child Protection Officer, 2009 50,000 2003 99,901 The ideological bent of Christian Union shines through in its semi-annual publication the Ivy League Christian Observer: In the Winter 2014 issue, we find a glowing cover of an October 2013 appearance of Heritage Foundation fellow and Princeton alumnus Ryan P. Anderson at a Princeton University event sponsored by the Anscombe Society. You can log in to My Account from the upper right-hand corner of any page. In March 2002, during the time of his first trip to Uganda, anti-LGBT agitator Scott Lively was serving as Director of AFA California. Ellel promotes the doctrine that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and teaches methods for exorcising such demons. 2009 612,500 That state department position went to future E&PPC president Elliott Abrams (who took the E&PPC helm in 1996). 2007 16,824 Another vector for the widespread diffusion of Christian Reconstructionist ideas has been the Coalition on Revival: COR was an initiative launched in the mid-1980s under the intellectual shepherding and guidance of top Christian Reconstructionists such as R. J. Rushdoony, Gary North, Gary DeMar, and David Chilton, that helped move previously apolitical fundamentalist and charismatic Christians towards political engagement and activism. There are two changes that had the most impact on Compassions rating. Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. 2011 6,000 Declared Advocates Guyana, While we defend the human rights of every individual, including homosexuals, we condemn the practice of homosexuality and its promotion through legislative amendments (see: http://www.guyanajesuits.org/cms-assets/documents/88691-264411.201238october-5catholic-standard.pdf). Through COR, the numerically small Christian Reconstructionist movement has been able to. 2011 700 2010 229,500 advised (see: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/religious-freedom-origin-story) the Kansas state legislature in the creation of Kansas House Bill 2453. Christ, who broke the power of sin and death by His own death and resurrection.. Most of the high-level Ugandan Christian leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT rights crusade have ties to the NAR (Henry Luke Orombi) or have served directly in its America-based apostolic and prophetic networks (Julius Oyet, Alex Mitala, Joshua Lwere, John Mulinde). 2006 0 3012 32,900, Illinois Family Institute (EIN 37-126588), The Illinois Family Institute is one of twelve organizations funded by the National Christian Foundation since 2001 that is on a Southern Poverty Law Center list of groups which pump out demonizing propaganda aimed at homosexuals and other sexual minorities according to a 2010 SPLC report ( http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/winter/the-hard-liners ), 2001 4,600 2010 3,640 2003 180,000 Years 2002-2013 of those forms can be downloaded here, from the National Center For Charitable Statistics. If only you knew that I'd become the dad I am today. 2007 10,000 Compassions strong commitment to financial transparency, integrity, and our core purpose of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name is and will continue to be unwavering. 2007 40,004 2007 4,299,990 2012 0. 2012 14,200, Dominionist Vision America pastor Rick Scarborough has called upon Christians to get involved in politics and take back America for Christ (see: http://vimeo.com/12082232), In an early 2013 sermon, Scarborough declared, Twenty years ago, who called a sodomite gay? 2001 0 One of the adjunct faculty of WLI has been Julius Oyet, who claims to have co-authored Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. Founded in 1952 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Compassion International is a child-sponsoring charitable organization that was originally known as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. 2012 48,678 2003 0 2006 500,000 2012 688,176 Director of TruthXChange Dr. Peter Jones is author of Letter To a Homosexual Friend, in which he writes (see: http://truthxchange.com/books/letter-to-a-homosexual-friend/). 2005 1,001,000 2006 30,000 The most prolific of these has been Child Evangelism Fellowship, which has established its Good News Club Bible classes in over three thousand public schools across the nation. But even if it isnt, anyone can choose to refrain from homosexual (or heterosexual) sexual practices. Research Laboratory Specialist Associate Job Ann Arbor Michigan USA 2012 7,500 2002 106,000 A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. In his book That None Should Perish: How To Reach Entire Cities For Christ Through Prayer Evangelism(Regal Books/Gospel Light 1994) Silvoso enthused, Because of my association with Luis Palau and his team, I knew that we were on the cutting edge of Gods movement in Latin America. In his book What Every Man Wants In a Woman: 10 Essentials For Growing Deeper in Love (Charisma House, 2005), pastor John Hagee argued for a constitutional amendment recognizing only the marriage between a man and a woman and warned, If we fail to achieve this, the gates of hell will be opened If God does not then punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. 2010 100 2011 -7,387, The Jesus Film Project (Campus Crusade For Christ International) EIN 95-6006173 2012 160,000 Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. But neither they nor their families are under any compulsion to become Christians. But in all cases, we provide love, education, According to Food For The Hungry/UK, Samaritan Strategy Africa is a team of African leaders who have banded together to execute an ambitious plan to take the DNA teaching across the continent. (see: http://www.uk.fhi.net/hopeforafrica.html). 2003 53,000 Marriage and Family Foundation 2012 5,252,804 I would not say this in other cultural contexts, Eldridge explained, but the gay agenda has all the elements of that which is truly evil. Compassion International | Splunk evaluators and watchdogs. 3. 2003 1,000 (Eternal Perspectives) [26] The Ministry of External Affairs later stated that the ban had nothing to do with the ideology of Compassion International.[27]. In the PK manifesto Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper evangelist Tony Evans urges PK men to, sit down with your wife and say something like this: Honey, Ive made a terrible mistake. Stephen F. Noll, a longtime associate pastor at the Truro Church (formerly the Truro Episcopal Church before Truro broke away form the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. [ECUSA]), is in agreement with C. Peter Wagner on the need for believers to engage in Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Mapping. As a January 2013 report ( http://www.southerneducation.org/getattachment/135f0b35-4738-441e-a2ac-013eaa255183/Georgia%E2%80%99s-Tax-Dollars-Help-Finance-Private-Schools.aspx ) from the Southern Education Foundation Georgias Tax Dollars Help Finance Private Schools with Severe Anti-Gay Policies, Practices, & Teachings describes, The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) accredited 94 private schools in Georgia at the beginning of 2012, 76 of which were eligible to receive tax-funded scholarships. Frontline Fellowship 2008 4,667,026 In 2012 Christian Union held an eight-school conference on faith healing featuring the New Apostolic Reformations Che Ahn, co-founder with Lou Engle of the virulently anti-gay group TheCall. We've discovered that changed circumstances rarely change people's lives, while changed people inevitably change their circumstances. In a 2006 at The Gathering, during an Alliance Defense Fund three and a half-hour special briefing titled How people of faith are being silenced here in America, Family Research Council President Perkins stated, I think were at great threat, externally, from radical Islamists who want to destroy us and our way of life The second greatest threat I think this nation faces is internally, and its from the radical homosexuals that want to destroy the underpinnings of our nation the homosexual, the radical homosexual, wants to destroy our way of life, Among the FRCs high-profile events was the 2009 prayercast against health care reform (see:http://www.frcaction.org/pressrelease/frc-action-to-host-live-prayercast-tonight-on-health-care-reform-) which included TheCall head Lou Engle and Bishop Harry Jackson, one of the most aggressive among African-American pastors working against LGBT rights. ARFP advised the Kansas legislature on Kansas House Bill 2453 that would not only have allowed private individuals and religious entities to discriminate against same-sex couples but also extended that right to discriminate to government employees. While the leaders of Disciple Nations Alliance claim no official legal or financial connection to Langas activities, DNAs own statements and tax forms tell a different story. In her book, Stewart describes attending (see: Kicked off with the 1987 publication of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series book Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, Crossway Books) by Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin Olasky, the series was designed to advance lines of argument that would appeal both to conservative Protestant and Catholic intellectuals alike and featured such little-known but deeply influential (within certain religious right circles) books as E. Calvin Beisners Prospects For Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1990, Crossway Books.). 2008 69,640 2010 1,078,278 Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. With its close ideological ties to the virulently anti-LGBT rights, theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement (explored later in this article) it is hardly surprising that the ADF is as evidenced by its involvement in planning meetings of the World Congress of Families, one of the main vectors by which American conservative evangelicals are exporting their culture war agenda including hostility to reproductive and LGBT rights in the vanguard of rapidly globalizing culture wars. In 2010, Stewart attended the CEFs triennial National Convention, which featured as a keynote speaker Dr. A. Charles Ware president of Crossroads Bible College. Where is Compassion International's headquarters? 2013 1,000. No products in the cart. 2008 123,495 Working At Compassion International: Employee Reviews and Culture 2013 10,345,242, Campus Crusade sub-ministries, 2001-2012 20,622,853 (see appended at end of alphabetized list). 2006 8,000 without recognizing the value of incentive, opportunity, creativity, and economic and 2012 -1,800,186, Traditional Values Coalition (EIN 33-0625188). American Values will oppose condom handouts and fight to keep the gay agenda out of the schools. Both scientific research and the personal experience of thousands of people show that a homosexual orientation can usually be unlearned. In 1953, he began to raise funds, and the next year he developed sponsorship programs to help support orphans for a few dollars a month. While liberal activist groups such as Thinkprogress ( http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/05/01/3429448/alliance-defending-freedom/ ) have provided in-depth coverage of ADF activism, existing reports (excepting the work of Twocare.org ) have failed to identify what is by far the biggest source of ADF funding, the National Christian Foundation. 2009 280,290 Orientation Leader. In early 2014 Gothard resigned from the IBLP following accusations over sexual harassment from over 30 different women. 2005 4,500 2003 10,000 More recently, ADF joined a number of major US-based (and NCF funded) Christian right groups such as the Family Research Council and Focus on The Family at planning sessions for the 2015 World Congress of Families event in Salt lake City, Utah (see: http://worldcongress.org/files/1114/4483/3500/WCF_News_November_2014.pdf ). As described in a July 14, 2014 Twocare.org report ( http://www.twocare.org/gathering-greens-etc/ ), during the September 12-15, 2013 at the annual meeting of The Gathering, held in the Alliance Defending Freedoms home base of Scottsdale, AZ, three generations of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, were present for the event. Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. patterns of culture. Much of his talk seems to be lifted directly from anti-gay American researchers like Dr. Judith Reisman of Liberty University and the widely discredited Paul Cameron. 2010 8,800 2004 74,100 Shocked by rising crime, teen pregnancy, and divorce throughout the 1970s and 1980s, top leaders of the emergent Christian right, such as Bill Bright, had turned to the radical solutions outlined by the overtly theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement. 2006 212,821 2010 82,788 Among legislators on Capitol Hill who participate in Capitol Ministries are some of the most extreme far-right congressional representatives and senators in America including ( http://capmin.org/site/index.php/about/congressional-sponsors ) : Representatives Michele Bachman, Paul Broun (who has declared that evolution is from the pit of Hell !), Louis Gohmert, Steve King, and Joe Wilson, who interrupted President Barack Obamas 2009 State of the Union speech by shouting out You lie!. 2007 6,000 Daly then referred readers to an op-ed at Citizenlink, Focus on the Familys public policy partner, which was strongly in support of the bill.