In the succeeding Millennial Age on earth, Israels borders will be firmly established by the God of Israel. Why? Mans life span may well extend to at least 100 years (Isa 65.20,22) but physical death inevitably follows. Babylonian Captivity, First - Amazing Bible Timeline 1. Other Christian organisations taking the love of Yeshua to the Jews: Maoz-IsraelReviveIsraelJews for JesusChosen People MinistriesChristian Friends of Israel. Paul is saying that both creation and man himself groan due to imperfection and mortality. 597 BC 2ND SIEGE OF JERUSALEM & EXILE TO BABYLON: is described in 2Ki 24:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (Record this date in your Bible margin) When Jehoiakim died, Jehoiachin succeeded him as king of Judah and in 597 B.C. On the second reading of the chapter, identify and record in the margin the nation to whom the prophecy is given and the ruler if mentioned.  I 740 Jonah is a prophet in Judah till 730. Be especially alert to mark the phrase know that I am the LORD. succeed. This was due to the Persian leader Cyrus the Great deciding to allow Jewish people to return home. However, religious sources emphasize that they were able to maintain their religious traditions despite the circumstances. Sargon carried into captivity the rest of Israel ( 2 Kgs. Some of the following notes are adapted from the INTERNATIONAL INDUCTIVE STUDY BIBLE, New American Standard Version from Precept Ministries International. Declaration of State of Israel. Its members care for holy places and pilgrims. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. When was this to happen? 0000001836 00000 n This is not Scriptural and we will probably briefly touch on some of these points in class). Since Israels establishment in 1948, the country has almost tripled the territory used for farming and production has multiplied 16 times. At last, the Gentile nations acknowledge and value the unique role of the Jew: Still others become priests and keep charge of the (new) Jewish temple in Jerusalem (Isa 66.21, Exod 44.15). It splits east-west with half the mountain moving north and half moving south, generating a very large valley reaching to Azal (Zech 14.4,5). Charts of the Kings of Israel and Judah - Conforming To Jesus Israel is officially in water poverty, and so agriculture makes extensive use of treated sewage, computerized early-warning systems for leaks, and computerized drip irrigation and micro-sprinklers. Traditionally, the UK government has had good relations with Israel, including good intelligence cooperation, and has been viewed as one of the worlds friendliest countries to Israel, link. Bible prophecy over end-time Israel speaks of great blessings on the land. And it is at this time that wayward Israel is remarried to the Lord (Hos 2.16, Isa 54.5,6). 622 BC (record next to 2Ki 22:3) 2Kings 22:1ff describes the incredible events during the reign of Josiah, the godly king over the southern kingdom of Judah at the time that the book of the law was found in the house of the Lord where it had been lost! So much for the history of Israel over the past 3,000 years. Heresies and Inquisitions in the High Middle Ages, Hungarian-Austrian Dual Monarchy & Ausgleich | Compromise of 1867, Iron Age Empires: Neo-Babylonian, Neo-Assyrian and Persian Empires. 1979 The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty was signed on March 26, 1979, in Washington. 0000166550 00000 n Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. In the early 20th century the land of Israel was a mix of many peoples representing some 50 languages and there was no common Arab identity. 1 Kings Kingdom of JudahAmaziah, becomes king in Judah (14), Amaziah murdered. Record the chapter themes/titles as discussed above. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. NORTHERN KINGDOM (ISRAEL) Jerusalem were captured and the Temple and city walls were destroyed. Here we have the God of Israel they are Gods very own people, forever (2 Sam 7.24). In 723 the capital city of Samaria falls. 628 Holy Land recaptured by the Byzantines. From then on, popes would be heavily influenced by the presiding French king of the time. So Islam wants the Levant back! The Fact of Israel's Captivity ( 2 Kings 17:1-6) After 200 years of existence as a nation, the ten northern tribes of Israel were conquered by the Assyrians and taken captive. The answer to these questions is found in a mystery: we must be changed or born again as the Bible puts it. The UN has even resolved to raise the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters after upgrading the Palestinians status to a non-member observer State even though no such state exists! 0000004164 00000 n They have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction and Bachelors in Social Science Education from Florida State University. Why? This purification of the temple is remembered by the Jewish Holiday, Hanukkah (164 BC). The new pope who was elected was Martin V. His election effectively ended the schism. That nation was Israel. Has there been a change in rainfall? Putting their trust in Western Civilization was never again going to be enough. More . The nation Israel can never be destroyed: God chose His servant nation Israel to be His special witness in the world, and the survival of the Jews throughout the ages is strong evidence of His presence. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God. I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. In the margin list what you learn from marking covenant and then compare it with what you observed about covenant in Ezekiel 16-17. c. Continue noting the same observations from marking every occurrence of know that I am the Lord. 1 Israel and Judah Conquered When Assyria was a world power, Israel was captured and its people exiled northward to the area whence Abraham had come so long ago. 0000128092 00000 n Prophecy states that regathered Israel will go through a time of great tribulation and distress as the world system persecutes Israel. From around 586 BC until modern times, the land of Israel or Holy Land was ruled by Gentile powers: World Government: The four historical empires in bold type (Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman) are in fact the four great empires prophesied to rule over Israel before the Second Coming of Christ (Dan 2.31-45). Read the chapter again. Also note to whom he is sent and why. 0000002312 00000 n Under Gods call, Abram (later called Abraham) migrated from the city of Ur sometime between 1900 and 1750 BC to Gods appointed land, Canaan (todays Israel). After seven years, David became king of a reunited Kingdom of Israel.However, in about 930 BCE the united kingdom split, with ten of the twelve Tribes of Israel rejecting . The deep significance of this to Jewish, Christian and Muslim beliefs makes Jerusalem one of the most contested pieces of real estate in the world. Note that 144,000 = 12 12,000 where 12 = 5 (God's goodness) + 7 (completeness and spiritual perfection), link. Bible prophecy describes how the increasing political bias of western nations, and the increasing aggression of Arab-Muslim nations finally leads to another major war against Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006], We must constantly repeat that the root of the conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2012], The nuclear deal with Iran does not block Irans path to the bomb, it paves Irans path to the bomb [Benjamin Netanyahu, August 2015]. 6You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. Assyrian & Babylonian Captivity & Exile of Israel & Judah Map Without doubt there is an overall bias in the UN against Israel. 1520 Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls of Jerusalem. (Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 105 Page 418-419, 1948). Around 725 B.C. A large influence on the establishment of the papacy in Avignon was Clement V, who became pope in 1305. So here we have God identifying Himself with a particular people. We see this in his attempts to redefine marriage for example, and in his attempts to replace national Israel with the church (Replacement Theology). 0000009068 00000 n The Babylonian Captivity of the Church was caused by Pope Clement V. He fled to Avignon after he appointed nine French cardinals. It explains the chosen paths of Hitler and Wilberforce for example; one man destroyed humanity whilst the other helped humanity. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. The Babylonian Captivity (with map) - Bible History This is why it is imperative that all believers today put repentance at the center of their spiritual life and make it part of their spiritual journey with the Lord. Theirthird goal is to teach the local church about its Jewish roots and to train other believers in how to share the Gospel with their Jewish friends (see Rom. 4. AS OUTLINED BELOW. 2 Thessalonians What happens to the glory of the LORD? This is a truly mind-blowing concept, but that is what the Bible says. God wants the church to call His people, wherever they are, back to Himself. Persian Emperors List & Timeline | Cyrus, Cambyses II & Darius. Books ~ Jer, Lam, Eze, Dan, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Obadiah, [Joel] Note that Jesus leaves the ball in our court! Their mission was to teach the world by their example and be Gods witness to the nations. Probably. I suggest that you record the dates of events in the margin next to the corresponding Scripture. 2. ISRAEL FROM JUDAH 931 BC The United Kingdom composed of 12 tribes was split (see 1Ki 11:1, 4, 7, 11 and following chapters) into Israel (10 Northern tribes with capital in Samaria) and Judah (2 Southern tribes with capital in Jerusalem). Do the Jews have any advantage over the Gentiles? He used papal authority, the power of the pope to control a church, to try to help his fellow Frenchmen gain more power in the papacy. 1. Kibbutzim played a key role in Israels agricultural development, defense and political leadership, 1917: Balfour Declaration: the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish national home in Palestine, and General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Turks, giving Jews access to the city, 1920: The San Remo Peace Conference gave Britain a provisional Mandate for Palestine based upon the Balfour declaration, 1922: The League of Nations gave unanimous approval for a Jewish national homeland in Palestine and formalized the British Mandate, 1947: Arab nations reject the UN Partition Plan for an Arab state and a Jewish state, 1947: The Exodus, a refugee ship, was captured by the British off Palestine and 4,500 Holocaust survivors returned to German prison camps, 1948: Establishment of the State of Israel and declared open for Jewish immigration. How do your observations in this section compare to God's covenant promise to Abraham that "I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. 0000166761 00000 n So the prophet Ezekiel was told to bring this fact to the attention of the exiles in Babylon through a dramatic act. <]>> No voter ever votes for an actual person. According to the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the Jews could settle anywhere between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, see map. And during the end of the church age a remnant of Israel is grafted back into their own 'olive tree' (Rom 11.23) as they return to their God. She has been on the front line in the War against Terror and has been fighting the Wests battles for it, decades before 9/11 or 7/7 ever happened. Oil and gas fields in grey. Who are the 144,000? Jessica has taught college History and has a Master of Arts in History. So isnt something wrong here? They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. As Gods witnesses and servants they are to turn many to righteousness (Dan 12.3) in very troubled times as nations crumble (Lk 21.25, Dan 2.34,35) and Gods judgments on the earth begin. Nebuchadnezzar, who with his defeat of Neco had become the dominant world power, besieged Jerusalem for the second time taking King Jehoiachin into exile to Babylon (this event in 597BC helps understand the fifth year of Jehoiachins exile specifically given by in Ezekiel 1:2) along with 10,000 Jews, one of whom was the young man Ezekiel. This captivity is described in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. Why did the Creator of the universe give man the mandate to procreate and proliferate? Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. At this time God set about making a people for Himself to be a witness of Himself to the nations, and they were given the land of Canaan for perpetuity (Gen: 17,8). The House of Israel had a succession of godless kings and despite repeated warnings from the prophets, they rebelled against God. Although they make up less than half of one percent of the world population, between 1901 and 1950 Jews won 14% of all the Nobel Prizes awarded for Literature and Science, and between 1951 and 2000 Jews won 32% of the Nobel Prizes for Medicine, 32% for Physics, 39% for Economics and 29% for Science. As a result, the nation of Israel is once more being blessed in the country (abundant agriculture), blessed in the city (technological innovation) and blessed in the sea (discovery of large natural resources). Abrahams wife Sarah bore him a son, Isaac, and Isaacs wife Rebecca bore Jacob. The Seventieth Week, Verse by Verse Exposition of Daniel 9:24; Daniel 9:25; Daniel 9:26; Daniel 9:27, Choose Book of Bible to Study It is typically identified as an area in the Sinai peninsula south of Kadesh-barnea. This speaks of two births of man: a physical birth through woman and a spiritual birth through Gods Spirit. The important biblical concepts discussed in these seven short articles are summarized below in a timeline: The apostle Paul described mans destiny as a mystery. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. (THE LORD IS THERE), Chapter 1-3: Make sure you note or mark when the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel. 403 0 obj <> endobj Record the theme or title of each chapter remembering to try to use words that are actually in the chapter. 2 John So today Israel is meeting much of its water needs by purifying seawater from the Mediterranean and some 80% of domestic water in Israeli cities comes from desalinated water (the desalination facilities are connected to the NWC). Subsequently, in 70 AD theRomans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple in Jerusalem and declared the land of Israel would be no more. If this is the same people group as in Rev 7, then we must also regard the latter as male virgins. A few years after Samaria fell and the kingdom of Israel was led into exile, the Assyrians turned their attention to Judah where Hezekiah was reigning and Isaiah the prophet was preaching. And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or tribulation referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. The Jewish people were forcefully removed from their homeland, and taken to Babylon in captivity. It has become an important part of both Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Jewish Foundation, CJF Ministries, exists to make Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah known to the Jewish people first and then to the nations (Romans 1:16). Photo: Dror Feitelson Pikiwiki Israel [CC BY 2.5], Wikimedia. A contract can be defined as an agreement between two parties which obliges each party to do or not to do a certain thing. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 This had never happened before. Jeremiah Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you., Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. On the other hand, orthodox Jews claim their historic and covenant right to the city. Although He paid tribute money to the Assyrian Empire for a few years, he stopped doing so shortly after a new Assyrian ruler, King Shalmaneser V, assumed the throne in 727. In Luke 21 He said look at the fig tree (Israel) and all the trees (the Gentile nations) and so observe the signs of the times. But throughout Israels history, despite 3,000 years of persecution, God always leaves a remnant of Israel as His witness. Do not be amazed that I said to you, You must be born again.. Sadly, this legal fact is often ignored by the UN. Job Where and when did Ezekiel begin his prophetic ministry? Image: Eli E. Hertz. 1 Timothy 5. Chart of the History of Israel - Old Testament History When God allowed the Israelites to be captured by the Assyrians he allowed this to happen at different intervals of time. He also builds other monumental projects, including Caesarea, Herodian, Cave of the Patriarchs, and Masada. the Assyrians begin to attack the Kingdom of Israel and its capital Samaria (2Kings 17:5). This captivity lasted until they were freed by Persian leader Cyrus the Great. They believe that prophecy shows that Israel will become (if not already) Gods main witness in the world.