10. For installation certification/validation and annual recertification/revalidation, in the first stage the employer certifies or recertifies that the employer is installing or utilizing a PSDI safety system validated as meeting the design requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A by an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization and that the installation, operation and maintenance meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. (4) Flywheels and bearings. Where a calender is so installed that persons cannot normally reach through, over, under, or around to come in contact with the roll bite or be caught between a roll and an adjacent object, then, provided such elements are made a fixed part of a calender, safety control devices listed in paragraph (c) of this section shall not apply. (i) Projecting shaft ends shall present a smooth edge and end and shall not project more than one-half the diameter of the shaft unless guarded by nonrotating caps or safety sleeves. (2) Push stick means a narrow strip of wood or other soft material with a notch cut into one end and which is used to push short pieces of material through saws. (a) When used in press operations requiring more than one operator, separate two hand trips shall be provided for each operator, and shall be designed to require concurrent application of all operators' to activate the slide. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. The top rods shall be not more than 72 inches above the level on which the operator stands. (12) Safety guard means an enclosure designed to restrain the pieces of the grinding wheel and furnish all possible protection in the event that the wheel is broken in operation. The use in the formula of twice the stopping time increase, Tm, allowed by the brake monitor for brake wear allows for greater increases in the downstroke stopping time than occur in normal stopping time at the top of the stroke. Based upon this determination, a scale shall be developed to indicate the allowable 10 percent of the stopping time at the top of the stroke for slide or ram overtravel due to brake wear. The cables shall not be more than 72 inches above the level on which the operator stands. A. The certification/validation report shall be signed by the Administrative Director and the Technical Director. (2) Veneer clippers shall have automatic feed or shall be provided with a guard which will make it impossible to place a finger or fingers under the knife while feeding or removing the stock. Bolts, nuts, and setscrews will, however, be permitted where they are covered with safety sleeves or where they are used parallel with the shafting and are countersunk or else do not extend beyond the flange of the coupling. tensile strength 60,000 p.s.i.). 1910.30 Training requirements. NASD - Compacting and Baling Safety 1910.1006 Methyl chloromethyl ether. (65) Validation or validate means for PSDI safety systems that an OSHA recognized third-party validation organization: (i) For design certification/validation has reviewed the manufacturer's certification that the PSDI safety system meets the requirements of 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A and the underlying tests and analyses performed by the manufacturer, has performed additional tests and analyses which may be required by 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A, and concludes that the requirements of 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A have been met; and. 1910.119 Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals. Nor would it be necessary to repeat these tests in the case of modifications where determined by the manufacturer and validated by the third-party validation organization to be equivalent by similarity analysis. . (3) For the Textile Industry, because of the presence of excessive deposits of lint, which constitute a serious fire hazard, the sides and face sections only of nip-point belt and pulley guards are required, provided the guard shall extend at least six (6) inches beyond the rim of the pulley on the in-running and off-running sides of the belt and at least two (2) inches away from the rim and face of the pulley in all other directions. (iv) An interlocked press barrier guard shall be attached to the press frame or bolster and shall be interlocked with the press clutch control so that the clutch cannot be activated unless the guard itself, or the hinged or movable sections of the guard are in position to conform to the requirements of Table O-10. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004]. When repairing or cleaning a conveyor, all equipment must be locked or blocked and operating controls tagged. Based on this, the Assistant Secretary shall issue the final decision (including reasons) of the Department of Labor stating whether the applicant has demonstrated by a preponderance of evidence that it meets the requirements for recognition. 1910.29 Fall protection systems and falling object protectioncriteria and practices. 1910.38 Emergency action plans. (3) Auxiliary equipment. Immediately before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test) to make sure they have not been damaged in transit, storage, or otherwise. (iii) Paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to presses that comply with paragraphs (b)(13) and (14) of this section. Page 1 of 4 | Conveyor Hazards Safety Factsheet: Hazards of Conveyors Conveyors are used to transport materials . 2. Test results obtained from development testing may be used to certify/validate the design. The validation organization and/or validating laboratory shall have established written procedures for test and certification/validation of PSDI safety systems. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on cutting-off machines and on surface grinding machines which employ the wheel periphery shall not exceed 150. (2) Ambient relative humidity of 99 percent. 1910.1016 N-Nitrosodimethylamine. The label shall indicate the press serial number, the minimum safety distance (Ds) required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, the fulfillment of design certification/validation, the employer's signed certification, the identification of the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization, its signed validation, and the date the certification/validation and recertification/revalidation are issued. (1) Boltheading. Requirements for recognition. (7) Direct drive means the type of driving arrangement wherein no clutch is used; coupling and decoupling of the driving torque is accomplished by energization and deenergization of a motor. 1910.334 Use of equipment. (xiv) The control system shall perform checks for proper operation of all cycle control logic element switches and contacts at least once each cycle. This requirement does not apply to those elements of the control system which have no effect on the protection against point of operation injuries. (iii) Special Revolving Cup Guards which mount behind the wheel and turn with it. It shall be accessible and shall operate readily on contact. Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 1910Examples of Conditions Which May Restrict or Limit Exposure to Hyperbaric Conditions (iii) A fixed barrier guard shall be attached securely to the frame of the press or to the bolster plate. Minimum object sensitivity describes the largest acceptable size of the interruption in the sensing field. (a) As used in 1910.213 and 1910.214 unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following woodworking machinery terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. This trimming operation can also be done cold, as can coining, a product sizing operation. In 2015 it again made list, coming in at number ten. (17) Two hand control device means a two hand trip that further requires concurrent pressure from both hands of the operator during a substantial part of the die-closing portion of the stroke of the press. When more than one wheel is mounted between a single set of flanges, wheels may be cemented together or separated by specially designed spacers. d. When one year has elapsed since the installation certification/validation or the last recertification/revalidation. (3) Scrap handling. "They . If the conveyor runs overhead, precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from materials that may fall from above. (c) The safety distance (Dm) between the two hand trip and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: Dm = minimum safety distance (inches); 63 inches/second = hand speed constant; Tm = the maximum time the press takes for the die closure after it has been tripped (seconds). (ii) The following checks shall be made at the beginning of each shift and whenever a die change is made. 2. If, after review of the application, additional information, and inspection report, the applicant does not appear to have met the requirements for recognition, the Director of the PSDI certification/validation program shall notify the applicant in writing, listing the specific requirements of this appendix which the applicant has not met, and the reasons. 1910.1451-1910.1499 [Reserved]. (12) Pressure vessels. 4. (c) If belt is eight (8) inches or more in width. This subparagraph does not apply to manually operated sprockets. The validation organization or validating laboratory shall maintain a record of each certification/validation of a PSDI safety system, including manufacturer and/or employer certification documentation, test and working data, test report, certification/validation report, any follow-up inspections or testing, and reports of equipment failures, any reports of accidents involving the equipment, and any other pertinent information. Hangers shall be inspected to make certain that all supporting bolts and screws are tight and that supports of hanger boxes are adjusted properly. (E) A system or visual check shall be made to verify correct counterbalance adjustment for die weight according to the press manufacturer's instructions, when a press is equipped with a slide counterbalance system. (g) Guarding friction drives. Such cross-referencing of specific requirements from paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section is intended only to enhance convenience and understanding in relating to the new provisions to the existing standard, and is not to be construed as limiting the applicability of other provisions in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section. a. (2) Hand-operated gears. (ii) A gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator as follows: (a) A Type A gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator in the manner specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(f) of this section, and. (9) Continuous means uninterrupted multiple strokes of the slide without intervening stops (or other clutch control action) at the end of individual strokes. a. (i) Guards for horizontal overhead belts shall run the entire length of the belt and follow the line of the pulley to the ceiling or be carried to the nearest wall, thus enclosing the belt effectively. (1) The upper hood shall completely enclose the upper portion of the blade down to a point that will include the end of the saw arbor. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) The application shall provide information demonstrating that it and any validating laboratory utilized meet the qualifications set forth in section II of this appendix. (8) Surface feet per minute (s.f.p.m.) The records shall include the manufacture and model number of each component and subsystem, the calculations of the safety distance as required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, and the stopping time measurements required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. 1910.255 Resistance welding. The third-party validation organization shall validate the manufacturer's certification under paragraphs 2 and 3. Where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than six (6) feet from the floor a disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of six (6) feet shall be required. Copyright OSHA Safety Manuals | All Rights Reserved, Care For Your Half-Mask Air-Purifying Respirator, Cold Weather Hazards Of Propane Fueled Vehicles, Machine Safety- Requirements For Safeguards, IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program. The sides of the trough shall come within at least six (6) inches of the underside of table, or if shafting is located near floor within six (6) inches of floor. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. Posts shall be not more than eight (8) feet apart; they are to be permanent and substantial, smooth, and free from protruding nails, bolts, and splinters. (ii) The requirement of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section shall not apply when the point of operation opening is one-fourth inch or less. (3) Work area. (vi) Electrical clutch/brake control circuits shall incorporate features to minimize the possibility of an unintended stroke in the event of the failure of a control component to function properly, including relays, limit switches, and static output circuits. A recognized validation organization may change a test method of the PSDI safety system certification/validation program by notifying the Assistant Secretary of the change, certifying that the revised method will be at least as effective as the prior method, and providing the supporting data upon which its conclusions are based. (6) Each operating treadle shall be protected against unexpected or accidental tripping. Adjustment of the location of the PSDI presence sensing device shall require use of a special tool available only to the authorized persons. With an enclosure of sheet, perforated, or expanded metal, or woven wire; With guard rails placed not less than fifteen (15) inches nor more than twenty (20) inches from rim. If made of wood, the posts shall be two by four (2 x 4) inches or larger. b. (1) Guards. (v) A covered container shall be provided to store dross skimmings. Any detected broken or unserviceable springs shall be replaced before the test is conducted. 2. (6) Circular saw fences shall be so constructed that they can be firmly secured to the table or table assembly without changing their alignment with the saw. (xvii) Controls with internally stored programs (e.g., mechanical, electro-mechanical, or electronic) shall meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(13) of this section, and shall default to a predetermined safe condition in the event of any single failure within the system. (4) Vertical belts. (11) Off-hand grinding means the grinding of any material or part which is held in the operator's hand. Tight and loose pulleys on all new installations made on or after August 31, 1971, shall be equipped with a permanent belt shifter provided with mechanical means to prevent belt from creeping from loose to tight pulley. The test report shall include the following: a. (i) Presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be equipped with a brake monitor that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(13) and (b)(14) of this section. The upper rail shall be two by four (2 x 4) inches, or two one by four (1 x 4) strips, one at the top and one at the side of posts. (4) If there is a counterweight, one of the following or equivalent means shall be used to prevent its dropping: (i) It shall be bolted to the bar by means of a bolt passing through both bar and counterweight; (ii) A bolt shall be put through the extreme end of the bar; (iii) Where the counterweight does not encircle the bar, a safety chain shall be attached to it; (iv) Other types of counterweights shall be suspended by chain or wire rope and shall travel in a pipe or other suitable enclosure wherever they might fall and cause injury. (c) A separate pull-out device shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is used on a press. (2) Saws. (8) Die handling. (iii) Suitable reinforcement shall be provided for the ceiling rafters or overhead floor beams, where such is necessary, to sustain safely the weight and stress likely to be imposed by the guard. [Reserved], https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-XVII/part-1910/subpart-O. (3) Installation/Certification/Validation and Annual Recertification/Revalidation. Where clamp caps or setscrews are used in conjunction with punch stems, additional means of securing the upper shoe to the slide shall be used. (vii) Reactivation of PSDI operation following deactivation of the PSDI mode from any other cause, such as activation of the red color stop control required by paragraph (b)(7)(ii) of this section, interruption of the presence sensing field, opening of an interlock, or reselection of the number of sensing field interruptions/withdrawals required to cycle the press, shall require resetting of the set-up/reset means. The OSHA standards on general guarding of machinery and mechanical power transmission apparatus (29 CFR 1910.212 and 1910.219) are very broad and general minimum guarding standards, one of which was predicated on the 1970's version of the ANSI/ASME B15.1 standard, which itself had undergone several . (2) Cold trimming presses. (A) The manufacturer's recommended test procedures for checking operation of the presence sensing device. (4) Openings for oiling. (v) The route followed by the oiler is protected in such manner as to prevent accident. A slot opening for jack bar will be permitted. The midrail may be one by four (1 x 4) inches or more. This subdivision does not apply to flywheels with solid web centers. Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes OSHA Standard 1910.23 2 Overview This is a condensation of Standard 1910.23 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. information or personal data. Ample room for cleaning machines, handling material, work pieces, and scrap shall also be provided. The use of belt poles as substitutes for mechanical shifters is not recommended. All guards shall be rigidly braced every three (3) feet or fractional part of their height to some fixed part of machinery or building structure. A hearing will be granted to an objecting member of the public only if evidence of failure to meet the requirements of this appendix is supplied to OSHA. (30) Foot control means the foot operated control mechanism designed to be used with a clutch or clutch/brake control system. If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. (1) General requirements. Pulleys serving as balance wheels (e.g., punch presses) on which the point of contact between belt and pulley is more than six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) 1910.426 Mixed-gas diving. SOURCE: 39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, unless otherwise noted. Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. Content of application. The safety attributes of a certified/validated PSDI safety system are more likely to be maintained if the quality of the system and its parts, components and subsystem is consistently controlled. PDF All Conveyors - Safety Section - Sukup (4) Shot blast. (ii) Maximum hole size for cutting-off wheels should not be larger than 14-wheel diameter. On presses with provision for manual lubrication of flywheel or bullgear bearings, lubrication shall be provided according to the press manufacturer's recommendations. Further, each operator shall be provided with a set-up/reset means that meets the requirements of paragraph (h)(6) of this section, and which must be actuated to initiate operation of the press in the PSDI mode. Flanges shall be dimensionally accurate and in good balance. Steam hammers shall be provided with a means of cylinder draining, such as a self-draining arrangement or a quick-acting drain cock. Higher voltages that may be necessary for operation of machine or control mechanisms shall be isolated from any control mechanism handled by the operator, but motor starters with integral Start-Stop buttons may utilize line voltage control. Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. The most recent records shall be made available to OSHA upon request. 1910.146 Permit-required confined spaces. PDF Safety Factsheet: Hazards of Conveyors - NYCOSH (iii) Where brake engagement and clutch release is effected by spring action, such spring(s) shall operate in compression on a rod or within a hole or tube, and shall be of non-interleaving design. (C) The air pressure supply for clutch/brake valves on machines used in the PSDI mode shall be regulated to pressures less than or equal to the air pressure used when making the stop time measurements required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. ), (4) Cylindrical grinders. Appendix B to Subpart I of Part 1910Nonmandatory Compliance Guidelines for Hazard Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection Elevated clutch/brake air pressure results in longer stopping time. On offhand grinding machines, work rests shall be used to support the work. Where more than one interruption of the light sensing field is used in the initiation of a stroke, either the mode selection means must have one position for each function, or a separate selection means shall be provided which becomes operable when the PSDI mode is selected. (13) Whenever veneer slicers or rotary veneer-cutting machines have been shutdown for the purpose of inserting logs or to make adjustments, operators shall make sure that machine is clear and other workmen are not in a hazardous position before starting the machine. (ii) Type 27 and Type 28 wheels, because of their shape and usage, require specially designed adaptors. An open space, not exceeding four (4) inches in width, may be left between the outside edge of the disk and the rim of the wheel if desired, to facilitate turning the wheel over. (vii) Means used to actuate press stroke (foot trip, foot control, hand trip, hand control, or other). Limitation: Minimum back thickness, E dimension, should not be less than one-fourth T dimension. 1910.1045 Acrylonitrile. (xii) The clutch/brake control shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued activation of the Single Stroke or Continuous functions unless the press drive motor is energized and in the forward direction. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984]. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) 1910.147 The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout). (iii) A presence sensing point of operation device shall protect the operator as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(a) of this section, and shall be interlocked into the control circuit to prevent or stop slide motion if the operator's hand or other part of his body is within the sensing field of the device during the downstroke of the press slide. (b) Where passage is regarded as necessary, there shall be a platform over the lower run guarded on either side by a railing completely filled in with wire mesh or other filler, or by a solid barrier. ), (9) Exposure adjustment. 1910.501 [Reserved] (a) Attachments shall be connected to and operated only by the press slide or upper die. While the brake monitor setting is based on the stopping time it actually measures, i.e., the normal stopping time at the top of the stroke, it is important that the safety distance be computed from the longest stopping time measured at any of the indicated three downstroke stopping positions listed in the explanation of Ts.
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