Curse of Strahd #5. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. They can be staked in their plots of earth in Strahd's tomb, but I would not give them the power of a true vampire - that's Strahd's schtick. If the amulet absorbs damage that reduces it to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, and Volenta takes any leftover damage. She set about serving him in the advancement of his arcane studies, and personally took on the task of recruiting and training his next bride, Anastraya. Ludmilla is extremely careful in her behavior, but secretly is the deadliest spellcaster of the three brides. Described as a traveling companion by Rictavio's false journal, Former leader of the werewolves in Barovia. Volenta makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. Leader of the hag coven in the Old Bonegrinder. Young werewolf recently welcomed into the pack. , so there's nothing to lose. Dragna, you are as always a godsend, because this is exactly what I needed!! Ludmilla can immediately summon 2d4 Strahd Zombies anywhere in Barovia. Ludmilla Vilisevic. Brother of Marzena Belview. Scampers about the inn and easily gets underfoot, Teenage son of Stefania and Dag. Vistani NPCs have access to curses and the Evil Eye (p. 28), Long-dead dusk elf wizard, killed by her own people to prevent her from being corrupted by Strahd. Anastrasya Karelova has Vampiric Weakness listed in the Monster Manual. Ludmilla makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. Ludmilla can climb difficult surfaces including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. This gallery presents all-new statblocks for Strahd, his three brides, and Escher, giving each character an interesting array of actions, tactics, and flavor. She only has this ability so long as Strahd allows her to have it. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. ICv2 - 07/08/2021. His body is kept pristine by Fiona by use of gentle repose, Troublemaking son of Fiona Wachter. She lets the other two do as they will until she believes their behavior will displease their husband, at which point she brooks no rebellion and puts them into their place immediately. upgrade now Preaches nightly to terrified Vallakians, trying to comfort them. Les chiffres sont fournis "en l'tat", titre d'information uniquement, et non des fins commerciales ou de conseils. She only has this ability so long as Strahd allows her to have it. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. ludmilla curse of strahd stats - This chapter focuses on Vallaki, an infamous riot of . Ludmilla Vilisevic is a vampire spawn and one of Strahd 's vampire brides. She hid in one of the wagons and inadvertently found herself in Strahds cursed lands shortly after. The party relayed the unfortunate news that neither the burgomaster nor priest are viable options. She is seen as the leader of his harem, and reins the others in when necessary. JavaScript is currently disabled. Regeneration. This gallery presents all-new statblocks for Strahd, his three brides, and Escher, giving each character an interesting array of actions, tactics, and flavor. Ludmilla Vilisevic | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Im running the dinner in my next session and youve just saved me so much time. Paid by Vasili von Holtz (Strahd) to hide coffins containing Vampire Spawn, Villiage of Barovia: Burgomaster's Mansion (E4), Adopted daughter of the burgomaster of the Villiage of Barovia. Sister of Mishka Belview, Groundskeeper and gravedigger of St. Andral's Church. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. When she arrived in Barovia, she made a living by stealing and hiding in the shadows. 4 are sent by Strahd to defend the heart. The vampire makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. Round 1: Charm. Bio: Ludmilla is Strahd's oldest bride at nearly 200 years old. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Took refuge within Argynvostholt after being attacked by blights, Weak werewolf who has grown too old to hunt. She came to Barovia as a little girl, joining a Vistani tribe that passed by Amn in Faerun. Brother of Nikolai Jr. Crippled Dusk Elf living among the Vistani near Vallaki. She is seen as the leader of his harem, and reins the others in when necessary. Now spends her days locked within her room, believing she is a cat. Former lover of Vladimir Horngaard, Co-owner of the Arasek Stockyard. Voltena lets out a horrible cackle at the thought of tasting blood. Spellcasting. Vampire Weaknesses. Claws. He fed upon her regularly, and was impressed by her stoic, yet thoughtful response to his hunger. Count Strahd von Zarovich, Lord of Barovia is the main villain of Curse of Strahd. Ludmilla was entranced by him; Rahadin saw her as a pleasurable and interesting distraction for his master. , so there's nothing to lose. Rahadin | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. He started all this over a wasted youth and a fear of death, and he's conquered death but the joy and vivaciousness of youth elude him. Strahd's death frees her of his control and allows her to pursue her own goals. Guide to Curse of Strahd: Tsolenka Gate - YouTube Rictavio's horse. "You are beautiful," Strahd murmured. While Strahd can take Lair Actions, Anastrasya can benefit from them. Steals the bones of St. Andral and gives them to Henrik van der Voort. Used by his uncle Bildrath as a bouncer for any difficult customers. Round 3: Strahd's Apprentice. 1d4+1 can be encountered randomly wandering Ravenloft Castle. They were chest-to-chest now and Iya considered it both a blessing and a curse that her plate armor was keeping him at a distance. Regeneration. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Anastrasya regains hit points equal to that amount. Kidnapped by Bluto Krogarov, Castle Ravenloft: Catacombs (K84, Crypt 4), Mad ghost of a failed inventor who dreamed of flying. Wracked with guilt over his centuries-old murder of his sister, Patrina Velikovna. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Ludmilla regains hit points equal to that amount. Described as a "handsome young man", Once a powerful lich lord of the Amber Temple. Spider Climb. June 14, 2022; did steve urkel marry laura in real life . Regeneration. no risk refund guarantee Wants to sieze control of Vallaki from the Vallakoviches. We've already been saving your edits, so if you She tells the party, while Topo cant hear, that Alabaster is a very suspicious character and they ought to be careful. Curse of Strahd - Wikipedia He offered to guide her to Castle Ravenloft, where he promised her a partner, a teacher, and a home. Description: Originally owned by Rictavio, who gave him to Blinsky because pets are not allowed in the Blue Water Inn, Clockwork replica of the jester Pidlwick created by legendary toymakter Fritz von Weerg. Knowing that her master was hunting the maiden Ireena, Ludmilla keenly noted the Church of St. Andral as one of the few places in Barovia where she might have been free of his grasp. All stat blocks based off Vampire Spawn, originally created by Wizards of the Coast. Ludmilla can immediately cast any spell from Strahds spell list of 3rd level or lower. I have a "Wedding Engagement Party" Planned where I will be using the built module I found on DM Guide where Strahd is concerned that one of his vampire brides is spying on him. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Medium / (No Rarity) Related Articles. (If my party doesn't handle Baba Lysaga first). , so there's nothing to lose. Agrees with his every word, even at the cost of her own sanity. It was on the snow-covered slopes of Mount Ghakis that Ludmilla met the dusk elf, Rahadin, for the first time. Now weakened and decrepit (can be restored with greater restoration), Ravenloft, Argynvostholt, Krezk, Van Richten's Tower (K, Q, S, V), Heavily armed Vistana vampire hunter. To go with her blood frenzy, if there is a wounded pc, she would have to make a wis save to attack an unwounded pc. She hid in one of the wagons and inadvertently found herself in Strahds cursed lands shortly after. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. They would explore it together while Rahadin would handle the affairs of the lands. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Will attempt to possess a PC and throw himself from a great height, Bartender of Blood of the Vine Tavern in the Villiage of Barovia, Vistani assassin employed by Strahd. Her intelligence and charisma were apparent, and Strahd soon offered her a position as his bride. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Ludmilla casts Haste on both of the other Brides. Will kill anyone who she sees as a threat to Strahd, Daughter of Morgantha the hag and is one-third of the hag coven in the Old Bonegrinder. Ludmilla is extremely careful in her behavior, but secretly is the deadliest spellcaster of the three brides. Normally he would have discarded her after a time, but she proved intelligent and charismatic which moved him to making her his bride. What can he do differently the next time Tatyana is reborn? Ludmilla is a vampire who appears to be in her early 30's, but is actually over 300 years old. JavaScript is currently disabled. You should check them out. When she arrived in Barovia, she made a living by stealing and hiding in the shadows. Ludmilla first came to Barovia as a little girl, stowing away in a Vistani caravan that passed through her homeland of Amn. Last she saw Alabaster, he was angry, and seeking Dame Caluna for help in tracking down a woman who stole his work. Strahd has become aware of Ismark's presence within his castle, but has let him gone unharmed due to finding his situation amusing. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. All three may instantly take the attack action againist any creature within 5 feet. Ludmilla Vilisevic | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal The party relayed the unfortunate news that neither the burgomaster nor priest are viable options. Brother of Arrigal and father of Arabelle, Vallaki: Burgomaster's Mansion Dining Room (N3c). Bite. Three CR ~9 named vampires to add into Chapter 4 of Curse of Strahd. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. These look great! ludmilla curse of strahd stats. Escher Curse of Strahd: Library of Mystery Astrophel Astrophel Astrophel 2020-01-23T23:58:52Z 2020-02-28T00:54:37Z Curse of Strahd NPCs | Soup Crew Wiki | Fandom They are all loyal to Strahd but have ulterior motivations as well. Grieving mother found weeping in her home in the Villiage of Barovia. Beaten by Luvash for allowing Arabelle to be taken, Vallaki: Wachterhaus Servants' Quarters (N4h), Former Bride of Strahd, buried within Strahd's Tomb, Wife of Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov. Villain Actions come from a video by the wonderful Matt Colville. The target must make a Intelligence saying throw or be affected by the spell Phantasmal Force. Cruel current leader of the werewolf pack. Escher seems to have taken an interest in them due to the fact that he and Ismark are old drinking buddies. Ludmilla is furious with him for not relaying the information that Ireena had been separated from Ismark outside of Vallaki fast enough. Ludmilla: white wedding gown, a gold tiara (worth 750 gp), and ten gold bracelets (worth 100 gp each).